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At lunch, Y/N sits with Caitlyn and Barron. Today for lunch was buttered noodles. Y/N was writing in her song book while Caitlyn was making beats with her computer. Y/N hears foot steps walking up to their table.

"I'm so sorry," Y/N exclaims when she feels someone's foot trip over her leg. She looks up to see Tess glaring down at her.

"Actually, Y/N I don't think you should be sorry." Caitlyn tells her upon seeing it was Tess who almost tripped.

"I would respond, but-"

She was cut off by Ella, "But you are responding but saying you're not responding."

"Shut up." Tess says annoyed, rolling her eyes.

As they turn to leave, Y/N notices Tess tip her plate of noodles by Caitlyn's head. Before she can warn Caitlyn, Tess already tipped her bowl, sending the noodle into Caitlyn's lap.

Caitlyn gasps as she feels the noodles slide down into her lap. "Ok that was on purpose."

"Doesn't matter." Tess sneers. "Anything makes that outfit look better." She proceeds to spill the rest of her noodles onto Caitlyn. "See."

As Tess begins to walk back, Y/N grabbed some of her noodles and throws them at the back of Tess' head. Tess gasps while, Caitlyn smiles at Y/N for sticking up for her.

Tess retaliates by throwing more noodles at Y/N. Quickly a food fight between the three ensues. Mitchie runs over, trying to break up the food fight. "You guys, stop. Stop it."

Her protests went unheard as they continued to throw food at one another. "I can't believe you two did that?" Tess screams.

"Neither can I." A new voice interrupts.

Turning her head, Y/N sees Brown standing there, with an upset expression planted on his face.
Everyone quites down upon seeing his face.

He points at Y/N, Caitlyn, Mitchie and Tess, before pointing to the door, indicating for them to follow him. Sighing the four girls put the remaining food onto the table and followed Brown out the door.

"I hate when I have to be uncool."


In his office, Brown paces in front of the four girls. "Lay it on me." As soon as the four words are spoken, Y/N, Caitlyn, and Tess try and explain themselves, while Mitchie stays silent.

"She's always been jealous of me."

"She walks around like she owns the place."

"She is rude for no reason, thinking she is better than everyone."

The girls are cut off, when Brown waves his hand. "Wow. Enough. Let me ask this, who was the first one to throw food?"

Tess smiles and points to the girls next to her. "That's easy, Y/N and Caitlyn."

Frowning Caitlyn tries to defend them both. "That's technically true, but-"

"But nothing." He goes to stand in front of Y/N and Caitlyn. "Since you two want to play with food, I'm going to hook you girls up with a job this summer. From here on out, you two are on kitchen duty."

"What?!" Mitchie exclaims, knowing Caitlyn will find about her lie if she sees Mitchie there. "I-I mean, gross." She corrects upon seeing Brown look at her suspiciously.

Tess just smiles, seeming to enjoy seeing Caitlyn and Y/N punished.

"But—." Caitlyn begins to protest.

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