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The next morning, Y/N and Mitchie are in the camp's kitchen, rolling hamburger meat for dinner tonight.

"I hear there is an open mic tonight," Connie tells her daughters.

"Yeah," Y/N says while putting down the meat she finished forming into a patty.

"Are you guys gonna sing?"

"In front of all those people?" Mitchie begins.

"No way." Y/N finishes.

"Girls, I hear you two singing in your rooms when you work on your songs together. You guys are really good." Connie says, hoping to inspire her daughters to sing tonight. "Mom's honor."

Smiling, Y/N looks back down at the meat she was packing together.

"And if you're nervous," she puts her arms around her daughters, "so what. Everyone is nervous. That's why I'm making so much food tonight cause people eat when they're nervous."

"Not us." Mitchie answers for them both. "I don't think I could eat another burger.....ever."

"Ok, why don't you, Mitchie take the trash out to the dumpster and Y/N, you can set up the mess hall. I'll finish up here." Their mom says grabbing some gloves.

Nodding the two girls set off for their jobs. Before Y/N can walk out into the mess hall, she is stop by her sister.

Turning, she faces her sister expectantly. "Yeah, Mitch?"

"Do you want help setting up the mess hall after I take the trash out?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though. I'll see you back at the cabin." Turning around Y/N exits the kitchen, the door closing behind her.


It takes her about 20 minutes to set up the mess hall for dinner. Putting the last two bowls down, Y/N sighs. She glances over to the piano in the corner of the room, then grabs hers and Mitchie's song book from the back pocket of her jeans. Looking around, she makes sure no one was around before walking to the piano.

Laying her book open out on the piano, Y/N sits on the piano bench. She plays the intro of her and Mitchie's new song. She takes a deep breath and sings.

"Do you know what's it like to feel so in the dark
To dream about a life when you're the shining star
Even though it's seems like it's to far away
I have to believe in myself, it's the only way

"This is real, this is me, I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be
And I'm gonna let the light shine on me
Now I found who I am, there is no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be, this is me."

Y/N sighs and stands up, walking back to the kitchen, not knowing a certain pop star heard her, wanting to know where the girl with the voice went.


She returns to her cabin where she finds her sister going through her mother's clothes.

"Mitch, why are you looking through mom's clothes?"

Looking at her mom, Y/N gives her a questioning look, but Connie just shrugs, not knowing either.

"Because," Mitchie says, pulling out their mom's green button down shirt, "I need something to wear for the open mic tonight."

"Why don't you wear your own clothes?" Y/N questions her older sister, confused on why she won't wear her own.

"Because have you seen these kids? Y/N they have a lot and my usual is not going to cut it."

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