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The campers clap as Brown steps onto the stage smiling, Shane standing behind him.

"Hey, gang." He greets as someone shouts, 'We love you Brown' from the audience.

"Wow," he says nodding his head, "ok score. I have finally talked my nephew into singing us a song." Brown shouts pointing to Shane.

Y/N cheers loudly as Shane waves to the crowd. He walks over to his uncle Brown, who puts his arm around his shoulders.

"Shane, rock the camp." Brown says before walking off the stage.

"Hey guys," Shane says grabbing the microphone in his hands. "I got a surprise for you." Y/N smiles as the audience cheers, excited for the surprise.

"Guys come on out." 

The campers cheer louder than before when Shane's brothers, the rest of Connect Three, walk out of the mess hall. Nate and Jason walk onto the stage, flanking Shane on either side.

"So we're going to play something new." Shane announces. "Let us know what you think." Jason and Nate start to the tune of their new song while Shane steps up to the microphone stand and starts to sing, glancing at Y/N every once in a while.

Turn on that radio
As loud as it can go
Wanna dance until my feet can't feel the ground

"Say goodbye to all my fears
One good song and they disappear
And nothing in the world can bring me down
Hand clapping, hip shaking, heart breaking

"There's no faking
What you feel
When you're right at home, yeah
Music's in my soul
I can hear it

"Every day and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no

"I just want to play my music, woo
Got my six string on my back
Don't need anything but that
Everything I want is here with me."

As he sings the last part, Shane looks at Y/N winking causing her to smile and blush. Feeling nudges on both sides of her, she knows Mitchie and Caitlyn both saw it too.

"So forget that fancy car
I don't need to go that far
What's driving me is following my dreams, yeah
Hand clapping, earth shaking, heart breaking

"There's no faking
What you feel
When you're on a roll, yeah
Music's in my soul
I can hear it

"Every day and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just want to play my music
I just want to play my music.

"Can't imagine what it'd be like
Without the sounds of all my heroes
Singing all my favorite songs
So I can sing along
Music's in my soul
I can hear it

"Every day and every night
It's the one thing on my mind
Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just want to play my music

"Music's in my soul
I can hear it
Every day and every night
It's the one thing on my mind

"Music's got control
And I'm never letting go, no, no
I just want to play my music
All night long."

Y/N stands up and cheers as they finish playing, along with everyone else. Finding her in the crowd, Shane looks at Y/N, silently asking if she liked the song. Y/N sent up a thumbs in his direction indicating she loved it. The boys connect hands, raises them in the air and bows together.

As Shane walks off the stage to talk to his brothers, Y/N turns to her sister and Caitlyn, excitedly talking about their performance.

"That was the best song ever." Y/N exclaims turning when she feels hands on her waist. "Hey Shane."

"Hey beautiful." Blushing Y/N is about to reply but was cut off.

"Hey Mitchie, Y/N." Tess shouts grabbing everyone's attention. "Tell us about your mom again."

"Their mom is, a great person." Caitlyn answers. To get the attention off the sisters, Caitlyn asks Barron, "What's your mom like?"

"Uh," he says laughing a little at the randomness of the question, "she's like a mom."

Tess continues, determined. "I mean I know she's the president of Hot Tunes tv China," Connie, who was standing behind Tess, looks confused, wondering why her daughters will lie about her job. "But tell me about how important she is."

Y/N's eyes fill with tears, hating to see to the broken hearted expression on her mom's face.

"She um," Mitchie answers close to tears, looking at her mom. Mitchie looks down unable to finish.

"I'm sorry, what?" Tess asks trying to make the sisters reveal the truth. Y/N feels Shane let go of her waist, meaning he knew the truth.

"She's pretty cool." Mitchie answers not meeting anyones' eyes.

"And?" Tess pushes.

Y/N looks up from where she was staring at her shoes, seeing her mom walk away.

"She's not ...the president of Hot Tunes tv China."

"What's that?" Tess asks. "She's not president. You mean you and your sister lied to everybody."

"No." Mitchie denies, "I was-"

She was cut off by Tess, who was loving this. "So she's what? A Vice President, treasurer?"

"Tess." Caitlyn says trying to stop her.

"Shut up." Tess says to her. "Go on girls. Tell us."

Looking down Y/N finally speaks up. "No, she's a cook."

"A cook?" Tess asks, acting confused. "At Hot Tunes China."

"No," Y/N repeats, tears falling down her face, "here."

Tess has a satisfied smile on her face. "So you two lied. Your guys' mom cooks our food and you two help her. That's the only way you two could afford this camp, right?"

Y/N looks down not answering.

Caitlyn steps in. "You're a real jerk."

"Maybe, but at least I'm not two big fat liars."

At that statement Tess motions her friends to go. Peggy looks at Mitchie, wondering if it was true. "Mitchie?"

"Mitchie and Y/N have dishes to do. Let's go." Tess, Peggy and Ella walk off. Mitchie takes off running to her old cabin crying, leaving Y/N to face one more person.

Sighing, Y/N turns to face the boy she has developed feelings for over the last couple of weeks.

"Shane." Was all Y/N was able to get out before she was cut off.

"You were lying all summer." He states in a serious tone, tears gathering in his eyes.

Y/N tries to explain to him. "Yes, but I -"

"You know I'm so used to people pretending around me."

"I was not pretending!" Y/N exclaims trying to explain, "everything I said was me. It was the real me."

"How am I suppose to know that?" He asks, the first tear slowly falling down his face. "I thought you were different, Y/N. I thought I finally found someone who wants to be with me for me."

"You did, and I do want to be with you." Y/N sobs.

"But you're just like everybody else. You wanted to be with 'Shane Gray' not me." Shane continues not listening to Y/N's pleas. "Tricks on me, huh?"

"I was trying to-."

"Save it for your interview with Pop Informer magazine," Shane interrupts her. "I know I gave you an ear full."

Y/N cries as she watches Shane walk away from her, wishing she never agreed to that stupid lie.  Caitlyn wraps an arm around Y/N.

"Not here you don't," Caitlyn leads Y/N away from the campers, not letting them see her tear stained face.

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