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"Shane Gray is looking for the girl with the voice."

That's the rumor going around the camp. Apparently, Shane heard a girl singing and he wants to find her. The rumor spread like a wildfire. All the girls sent videos or cornered Shane to sing for him, trying to prove they were his mystery girl.

When Y/N met up with Shane to go swimming in the lake, there were girls there too. As Y/N and Shane climbed up the ladder to step onto the deck, three girls came down form the lifeguard tower singing. Seeing they were trapped, Shane grabbed Y/N around the waist, causing her to squeal. He picked her up and walked them over to the edge of the deck. He jumped with her in his arms, sending them both into the lake.

They resurfaced when they were sure the girls were gone, grabbing their towels, separating with a kiss on Y/N's cheek from Shane.

The next day, as Caitlyn, Y/N and Mitchie walked around the camp after lunch, they noticed a long line of girls waiting for their chance to sing for Shane, who sat in a chair looking tired. Y/N waved to him as he looked over at her. He sent a pleading expression her way, hoping she'll save him from the girls. Laughing Y/N shook her head and continued to walk with Mitchie and Caitlyn.

"Aren't you guys going to get in line?" Caitlyn questioned.

"Oh, I already did, it wasn't me." Mitchie replies happy that she wasn't the girl, for her sister's sake. Y/N told Mitchie what happened with her and Shane. She, like Caitlyn, agrees that Shane likes her as well.

"Oh, I know it's not me. He's never heard me sing." Y/N replies confidently.

The three girls continue their walk, ignoring the line of desperate girls.


Y/N walks across the beach after breaking away from Caitlyn and Mitchie. She spots the familiar black hair peeking over one of the canoes. Making her way over to him, Y/N notices him working on a song.

Walking over and sitting behind him, Y/N leans forward to look over his shoulder. "So, uh, does your voice sound better over here?"

Shane turns his head to look at her, smiling softly. He quickly glances at her lips before looking back into her brown eyes. "Why don't we get into one of these things and you can tell me?" He responds with a smile, gesturing to the canoe they were both leaning against.

Y/N nods and stands up. Grabbing a life jacket from next to the canoe, Y/N buckled it up, turning to see Shane doing the same. Flipping over the canoe, Y/N and Shane worked together and pushed the canoe so it floated on the water. Y/N climbed in first, before Shane got in facing her.

Grabbing the wooden paddles, Shane paddled away from the shore, farther out on the lake. Problem was, Shane doesn't know exactly how to paddle a canoe.

"I don't think we're doing this right." Y/N laughs as the canoe slowly turns in a circle.

"What, you don't like going in circles?" Shane asks playfully.

Y/N laughs as he stops paddling, putting the paddles in between them. "So, have you found your special girl yet?" She asks him playfully.

"Why?" He asks smiling, "are you jealous?"

"Jerk." She responds rolling her eyes playfully.

"Hey being a jerk is all apart of the rock star image."

"Keeping up an image can be tiring." Y/N says thinking about Mitchie pretending to be who she wasn't.

"But it keeps the posers away."

Y/N smiles.

Shane sighs looking down at the paddle in between the two, "I never know if people hang with me for the free stuff or the parties."

"Oh definitely the free stuff." She jokes raising her hands up.

"Haha, funny." He mocks.

"Come on, Shane. I know you're not really a jerk." Y/N tells him. "I mean you're helping Andy with his dancing and those screaming girls seem to like you."

He looks up at her smiling. "Which brings me back to the whole jealous thing."

Scoffing with a smile, Y/N scooped water in her hands, playfully splashing him causing his shirt to get wet. "I take that back, you are a jerk."

He laughs, and splashed her back as well causing her to giggle.

"It must be the same for you and your sister, huh?" Shane asks when their laughter quiets down.

"What?" She asks not know what he's asking.

"Cause of your mom and her job at Hot Tunes. People probably are always fake around you guys."

Y/N sighs knowing he heard all about her 'life'. Remembering her promise to Mitchie, Y/N answers.

"Uh, yeah, right. Totally."

"You know," Shane says looking at her, "it's nice talking to someone who gets it."

"Yeah, me too." Y/N says, secretly wishing she could tell him the truth.


After her canoe ride with Shane, Y/N heads to the kitchen to finish washing the dishes.

Laughing Y/N, Mitchie and Caitlyn stood outside the door waiting for Connie to dismiss them.

"Seriously, mom." Y/N was saying, her mom teasing her about seeing her in the canoe with Shane earlier. "We're done with the dishes, so can we go?"

"Okay girls have fun at the camp fire."

Connie kisses her two daughters on their cheeks good-bye as they walk down the steps.

"Love you mom." Mitchie and Y/N say in unison, receiving an 'I love you too' in return. Waving good-bye the three girls head to the camp fire, not knowing the plan brewing inside a certain blonde's head, who heard everything.

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