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After Tess revealed that Mitchie and Y/N lied, the two sisters hid in their cabin for the rest of the day, too ashamed to face their mom or anyone else.

When the next morning arrived, Y/N slowly climbed out of her bed, changed and headed to her first activity of the day. Mitchie decided not to leave her cabin at all, so Y/N was stuck facing everyone's stares by herself. Climbing up the stairs, Y/N walked into the dance room, everyone going quiet when they see her.

"What a joke." Tess comments laughing before walking away.

Not wanting to socialize, Y/N sat in the corner away from everybody, pulling her knees up to her chest resting her head on her knees.

The door opened next to reveal Shane walking in. Y/N tried to make herself smaller, hoping he won't notice her.

"Hey guys," Shane addresses the class. "Have a seat."

Following his request, the class sat on the floor facing Shane waiting to hear what he has to say.

"So Final Jam is coming up," Shane announces in front of everyone, "and I know all of you are excited."

Everyone agrees, clapping. 'Yeahs' echo throughout the room.

"So here is some advice." Y/N looks up when he pauses, only to find Shane staring at her. "It's not all about your image. None of it means anything unless people see who you really are." Y/N looks down feeling her eyes tearing up. "And your music has to be who you really are. It's gotta show how you feel or it doesn't mean anything." Y/N looks up again, showing Shane the tears running down her face, hoping he sees that she is sorry for lying to him. Shane's face softens when he notices the tears on her face. He sighs before beginning the class' dance lesson for the day.


The rest of the day went the same as the first activity. People stared at her as she walked by. Y/N avoided any interaction with anyone, sitting in the corner, not speaking.

She was successful in avoiding her mother, not wanting to see the heart broken expression on her mom's face, until after dinner.

She, Mitchie and Connie walked on the sidewalk next to the lake.

"I didn't know you guys felt so ashamed of yourselves." Connie speaks, breaking the silence between the three.

"We are not ashamed." Mitchie answers. "It's just for once I wanted to fit in and be popular. Y/N had nothing to do with my lie. She just agreed to go along with it for me."

Connie sighs looking at her oldest. "What do you mean Mitchie, you-you have plenty of friends at home."

"I have one and so does Y/N. It's the same person. And the last time I checked no one was busting their butts to sit with us three at the lunch table." Mitchie explains. "And when I got here, I just wanted it to be different. But I messed up. I embarrassed Y/N and myself. Almost made Y/N lose her best friend and," Mitchie sighs, upset, "I may have just ruined the chance of Y/N having a chance with someone she really likes."

Y/N sighs feeling upset when Mitchie mentioned Shane. She wished she just told him the truth the first day they met without the flour covered face involved. She should've trusted him not to tell anyone and keep it a secret like Caitlyn did.

Connie sighs, "My sweetie," she addresses Mitchie, "you and your sister are so much more than you can see. You don't have to lie about who and what you are. And I'm not just saying it because I'm your mom."

"Mom." Mitchie says looking at her.

"Look, ok I admit I'm a little bit biased. But it is so true. You two are talented. Your guys' music speaks to people, people want to listen to you and it is not just me and your dad." Connie turns to face Y/N who was walking a little bit behind them. "If this boy truly likes you, he'll listen and hear what you have to say for yourself."

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