Surprise you're gonna be an uncle

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Migas work up three hours later. She was still a bit dizzy but, well she knew her brothers were there. She heard her brothers sighing, discussing what they would do if she was really sick. Migas sighed groaning a bit as she sat up only to feel someone trying to lay her back down.
"Migas, come on you need to rest." Zeldris sighs pushing his sister down to rest. She didn't fight back or complain. After all she felt like crap. The women just sighed rubbing her forehead before bashfully looking at the ceiling.
As she did all her memories of what happened the day before came back. Her face broke out in a large blush as she groaned covering her face with her hands. She felt so embarrassed. That didn't get any better when Meliodas heard the groan and began to panic again
In fact Meliodas was freaking out over how pale she still was. He even put a wet cloth on her forehead that just made her sigh. Slowly Migas looked at her brothers. The two almost identical ones were asking her what was wrong and how's she was feeling. God, you would assume she had a heart attack or something. Meanwhile Mael was just sitting there quietly giving a comforting smile, but deep down something told her he was freaking out just as bad on the inside.
"Would you two stop it! I am fine." Migas sighed rubbing her temple.
"W-You just fainted on-top of Margret! That is the exact opposite of fine!" Meliodas snapped.
"If anything you should be worried about her bridesmaid dress. I blew chunks all over that thing. She won't be able to wear that for years now." Migas sighs.
"OH M-" Meliodas sighed ctacthing his breath and calming down. He let lose a sigh before giving his sister a smile. "Look te just a dress. Margret didn't like it in the first place so she and Elizabeth were gonna go buy a new dress today. Don't worry about should have told me you felt could have slept in."
"Meliodas, look I have been feeling like this for days. The second I feel better I get sick like four hours later now a days....espeically if bacon's involved." She muttered.
"Is that why I didn't see you eat anything but bread today at breakfast?" Mael blurted oyt. Meliodas's jaw dropped.
"You only ate bread all day?!"
"I wasn't feeling good!"
"They you rest like a normal person!"
"You hypocrite! You don't do that!"
The fighting continued before Zeldris moved forward. Slowly Zeldris sighed moving a few locks of hair out of her face and resting a hand on her cheek. Migas looked away feeling embarssed knowing he was probably upset too.
"You don't have a fever...but you're still pale..thank goodness you fainted right when Merlin and her family showed up. She and Estarosa literally walked in the second after you fainted. If it was a second later who knows What would have happened." Zeldris sighed looking nervous. Ever since Migas was revived he was more on edge and protective of her. It made sense seeing as every women he had ever had a connection to had died. So he made sure to always take care of his only sister.
"Im sorry I fainted." She muttered.
"You don't seem to be getting what we find disturbing." Zeldris sighs. "Sis it's not that you fainted. It's that you didn't tell us you felt bad and it could have been something serious..."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys." Migas sighs looking nervous.
"Looks it's fine...but, Diane is in charge of taking care of you now." Zeldris smirked making his sister roll her eyes. She opened her mouth to talk as Merlin walked in.
Merlin just smiled nervously seeing the tiny family. She knew how overprotective this family was of their sister. After all Meliodas had Beheaded a man for touching his sister the last time they visited her. Therefore this probably wasn't gonna end well.
"What's wrong with her?" Mael asks first. Merlin sighs,
"Migas, would you like to talk in private?" Merlin smiled nervously getting a few worried glances her way. Usually she never did this unless it was a serious issue. The four demons fell silent as they slowly looked at her.
"No....look Merlin if it's serious I want them to know. Honestly." Migas sighs.
"Are you sure?" Merlin tried to imply with her eyes it wasn't that bad if news. Just news her brothers would freak out about.
"I'm sure of it." Migas blurted out as Meliodas held his sisters hand. Zeldris meanwhile was standing next to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. As for Mael he was just looking read to barf.
"If you're sure." Merlin sighed.
"Oh my god just spit it out! What's wrong with her!" Meliodas found himself yelling aloud. Merlin sighs.
"Migas, it appears you're four months pregnant." Merlin smiled.

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