The wedding

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Weddings were always a big thing to anyone. King's wedding took place in a forest. Like not even the fairy forest. It was just a normal forest and they had a limit of 80 people. Yet, despite how small it was compared to Mel's wedding, everyone was just as happy as they were now.
Migas honestly loved kings wedding. She loved how tiny it was and how pretty the forest was. Honestly she always thought she wanted a tiny wedding. That burning want only got worse after she went to kings wedding. After all little weddings were so perfect.
Or well more perfect than Margret's. After all she had a big church wedding to Gilthunder with so much food and friends. Migas went to that one right after the war ended, exactly 3 days to be honest. She could remember dancing all night with Meliodas while drinking with Elaine. Everything went great until Vivian showed up, yelling that Gilthunder should be with her. Then before anyone knew it Margret was in a fist fight with Vivian which Merlin tried to break up.
Yeah let's just say that got rid of any will Migas had for a big wedding.
But, being here and seeing Meliodas's 250 people wedding, well it was making her want a big white wedding. Migas wanted to a huge wedding cake, white lilies on ever chair, and she wanted to wear a big puffy dress. Granted Migas probably shouldn't be wearing white seeing as she was knocked up, but she could still dream about it.
However her wants for her wedding might change in three months when Ban was getting married. After all he and Elaine were to be married at a campfire type of event. Yet, at the moment she wanted one big wedding like Meliodas's.
It was all she could think about as she tried to slip into her bridesmaid dress. Migas kept thinking about it as she chatted with the bridesmaids. They just smiled chatting happily and Gelda even styled everyone's hair at one point. Honestly the whole event had a cheery attitude to it. Thus why it made sense as to why Diane squealed.
"Oh my god!" Diane squealed looking behind Migas. Migas turned her head to see Elizabeth in the whole wedding get up. She looked just like a princess....granted she was one, but she seemed to look so much like a story book princess.
"Oh Elizabeth! You look so amazing." Migas smiled walking over and hugging her. Elizabeth chuckled hugging her back just as Diane joined in the hug.
"Thank you." Elizabeth smiled hugging her friends before looking up at her sister. She sighed smiling at her sisters. "Margret don't cry or I'm gonna cry"
"I can't help baby sister is getting married." Margret sobbed happily while smiling which just made her sisters roll their eyes.
So as you could guess the whole wedding was going great so far.
~time skip~
Migas could hear the piano play that same tune, the same time Elizabeth did. She noticed Elizabeth tense up clinging onto her father's arms tighter. Slowly the door to where they were standing opened and Gelda walked down the isle with Zeldris. Whilst the other bridesmaids got ready to walk, Migas snuck behind everyone to talk to her sister.
"Elizabeth is everything okay?" Migas whispered peaking ahead of them. Elizabeth nodded gulping.
"It is..I'm just nervous..what if I walk down the isle and he leaves..."Elizabeth whispered to her just so her father didn't hear.
"It's meliodas. The man would take you to a abandoned cave and marry you if you wanted." Migas chuckled making Elizabeth grinned and hold in a grin. The two girls just shared a happy smile and seemed to relax when nan tapped Migas on the shoulder.
"Yo, you ready to walk down isle buddy?" He joked looking at Migas. Migas nodded taking her groomsmen's hand and just heading down the isle.
Ban and Migas smiled walking together. Migas just held onto his elbow just beaming as she saw Meliodas at the end of the isle looking so excited. The pair kept walking, Migas remaining unaware that Ban was eyeing her.
As they got closer Ban leaned over to her ear. She didn't really notice until she felt his breath on her ear. She looked up at him just to see a toothy grin.
"You started showing." He hummed a bit before leaning back and going back to his normal groomsmen walk. Migas meanwhile she looked down at her stomach to notice a tiny bit of a bump forming which just made her grin so brightly. She just smiled looking around, almost as if checking if this was real or a hallucination in her mind.
Migas stood right next to Veronica. The two girls stood next to each other grinning brightly excited for the big moment just as Elizabeth starts down the isle. She took a few steps towards Meliodas before Mel started crying happy tears. It was almost as if they hadn't seen each other in years and were finally being reunited. Somehow this made Elizabeth's father beam for some reason.
The second he handed Elizabeth off however, well he sat down crying over his child growing up. As for Meliodas he whispered to his fiancé she looked lovely while crying. She had chuckled trying to wipe away his tears. Only when she would wipe one away three would take its place. The whole thing was emotional.
It only got more emotional during the vows. Said vows were all about Meliodas trying to break the curse because he couldn't live without her. He went on about how she completed him and by the end he was crying the same time Diane was in full on tears. The other bridesmaids somehow held it together. The same thing was happening with the grooms men-minus king who was already in tears.
Yet, the second Elizabeth said her vows more people cried. She went on about how Meliodas made her feel safe and wanted in a dark time in her life. She just went on about how amazing he was which somehow made Ban of all people cry first. Then Zeldris. Which was quickly followed by all bridesmaids. Like everyone was sobbing mess by the time the couple kissed. Well everyone who knew them..
Minus Gelda. For some reason she never cried. Like hardly ever. Only Zeldris saw it happen twice in his life, but he never talked about it much. Maybe because she would kill him if he talked about it.
When the wedding ended, well Ban was the one who cried about how sweet it was for a very long time. Which Meliodas's would gladly tease him about for years.

(TL/DR: The wedding happens and alot of people cry over how sweet it is. Mainly Migas, Ban and Diane.)

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