Cake taste testing

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Migas didn't get freaked out on. If anything she just stressed. Like no one even yelled at her, but she still stressed. What would her partner say? Woul he leave her all alone? What if he made her get rid of it?
Then came the questions about her brothers.
She began wondering what to do with her brothers. Would they disown her? Oh god, what if they killed her baby daddy?! How was she supposed pay bail?!Like she didn't even know how court systems worked in Liones.
So she was stressed beyond belief which probably wasn't good with her condition. Espeically since she was crashing a wedding. After all she was announcing this during a wedding. Well not really announcing. More like finding out during a wedding. And since Meliodas knew, well then the whole world probably knew. Meaning that the royal family would be mad at her. Which meant her sister in law would hate her.
These thoughts kept going through her mind as someone knocked on the door. Migas rubbed her eyes yelling come in, just when her soon-to-be goddess sister in law walked in. Elizabeth smiled plopping down on the bed next to her making Migas sigh.
"Good morning soon-to-be sister and mother to my niece or nephew." Elizabeth cheered seeming as peepy as always. Migas sighed looking up at her seeming near tears. Elizabeth opened her mouth to talk again, only for her sister in law to panic.
"Elizabeth I'm so sorry..I..I didn't know. I swear if I did I would have hid it better or taken care of myself more o-."Migas was cut off by the goddess.
"Hey, relax. If you didn't know, you didn't know. I'm just happy your okay and alive. I could careless if you announced it at the wedding, just as long as you're healthy." Elizabeth smiled holding her hands which helped the blond calm down. The two girls smiled at each other, the guilt slowly melting away off of Migas's back. In fact it seemed to just go away entirely.
"Now I want you to get up because a big demon has told me you've been skipping meals since you got here. So were going to go taste some cake flavours that you will love!" Elizabeth smiled standing up. Migas nodded starting to get up as her sister left the room.
Hopefully the cake testing would go better then the wedding rehearsal the day before.

TLDR: Elizabeth is a sweetheart and in order to calm Migas down, invites her to test some cake flavours, which they picked months ago but, she figured it would help Migas calm down.

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