The end

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Years later......
"Nu'uh." Tristan smiled shaking his head. Migas smiled from her chair looking at the tiny toddlers. She grinned as her nephew shook his head again. Lancelot just sat there thinking.
"Yes Tristan I was dead." She smiled.
"But daddy says people rarely ever come back from the dead!" Tristan argued.
"Well sometimes there are exceptions." Migas explained again.
"Yeah mama says the same thing. That's why Lancelot's mommy had him after dying 60 years before hand." Morgana explained showing she had the same smarts as her mother Merlin. Yet, she had certain teal eyes that belonged to an old friend. Which only made sense since she was born 9 months after her and merlin finally got together, which was shortly before his death. And who knows, Maybe she would get muscles too.
"Yeah...wait what?" Lancelot asked urning his head showing he had his fathers eyes which now shows a confuse look. The poor boy was younger than all the other sins kids and they would confuse him all the time. Or at least he was until last year when Meliodas and Elizbaeth had a baby girl. Then Zeldris finally adopted a baby with Gelda.
"Yeah your mommy was dead for 60 years and revived." Morgana explained, showing a smile she definitely picked up from her 'brother' King Arthur who spoiled her rotten for years now.
"I..but I thought that means people go with was with grampy when they die?" He asks looking so confused.
"Oh darling it's complicated." Migas sighs.
"What is?" Meliodas asks walking in with his daughter bouncing on his left hip and on his right hip was his niece. He smiled handing his sister her daughter while her two twins rushed in dragging their brother behind them. He was a year younger but, the same age as Tristan and Lancelot. Since he was born, Bors and his wife seemed to be trying to fill a farm with kids seeing as Migas was almost always knocked up now. By gods sake they had 4 kids now after 5 years of marriage, and now they had another one the way.
"I told the kids how I was dead and now I've confused them...I don't know ho toe explain the whole thing to them." Migas sighs tiredly. Meliodas nodded humming as he looked at his son who was whispering with his cousins. That was when an idea hit him. He could tell it like a story hook.
So he said down on the ground, resting his baby girl on his lap and asked a single question. "Well how about I tell you through story time?" Meliodas asks happily. The kids smiled beaming as all of them sat down, three sat close to their mama as she fed her daughter.
"All right then...where to begin?" He thought aloud.
"How about when we met?" Migas smiled happily. Meliodas nodded thinking of cutting out the bloodied parts of the story..more specifically his sister having one fo her 4 hearts carved out of her chest.
"All right then...okay so..a few thousands years ago I opened my eyes in a new place. A place that definitely wasn't my old home. I mean It was a cave of all things and I knew for a fact I didn't live in one.
Now this cave was very tiny cave with a single fire inches away from my bed area. Seeing it I tried to sit up only to get a sharp pain in mu chest. I remember grunting in of pain as i sat up. As i did, I could see your aunt rushing over to help." He smiled glancing at his sister getting a smile in return.
And with that he told the story of the goddess Devine, her revival and his wedding. All little moments that help make up the world he knew today.
One that would continue to grow with their children for many years to come.

(The end)

(TL/DRYears later Tristan, Morgan and Lancelot ate listening to their aunt telling him stories when his father walks to check on them.)

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