Meliodas spills the beans

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It was late in the middle of the night when he heard a noise downstairs. Bors knee that and he slowly began to creep downstairs, slowly thinking maybe it was his girlfriend. After all, his girlfriend was a demon so it was natural for her to sneak back into the house late at night. Especially since she usually would sneak out to help her brother, who were all kings. Like so many king!
So it was normal to hear a loud thud in the middle of the night. Especially with Migas being nocturnal sometimes. Yet, what wasn't normal was seeing a big muscular man standing in the door way.
It was Mael, Migas brother. He was arguing with someone loud over not killing a person over something. Bors was tuning him out for a bit as he heard two more men speaking. When he heard two other voice, Bors grabbed a weapon just incase.
He was slowly sneaking over to help his friend when he heard Migas name. He froze up finally listening in and was able to get a bit of information. His women was paper toy sicker than a dog laying in bed, barfing up everything she ate every few hours. Then she even began having fainting spells to add to that.
"You are leaving him out of this. Migas said she'd discuss it with him when she git back.."Mael whispered to the two other males.
"I don't care! He should know now incase something else happens to her or t-"
"Yea and if he just happens to fall on this hear sword I brought that wouldn't be that b-"
"Oh my god! Meliodas put it up!" Mael blurted out
"Why did you bring that?! I thought we were gonna talk to him! You know just talk!" Another voice spoke up. The three males argued before Bors stood there clearing his throat.
Male turned to face him and was pushed aside by two boys, both looking like young children. One had black hair, meaning he was Zeldris. As for the blond one, he was most likely Meliodas. They both went to charge at him but, were held back by Mael. The two younger looking boys were yelling at their brother to let them go when Bors spoke up.
"W-What's wrong with Migas?" Bors asked. Mael's eyes got softer seeing how panicked Bors looked. Zeldris seemed to calm down as well. As for Meliodas, he seemed to calm down for a second.
"What's wrong is you should have put a wrapper on your little present!!" Meliodas screamed at him.
"W-What the hell does that mean?!" Bors snapped back starting to panic. Did he hurt her before she left? Like he did bump into her while going down the stairs, did he bump her to hard and she broke her arm?
"Look Bors, it's not that bad. Honestly it's good. Mig-"Mael was cut off.
"OH MAYBe to you!"
"Oh my god Meliodas calm down!"
"Well if he wrapped it up we wouldn't be in this situation!"
"What does that even mean?"Bors snapped again.
"It means you knocked up my sister!"

(TL/DR: Mael teleports with his brother to Migas's boyfriend and Melodas let's the life changing info about his sister slip.)

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