Hyper Diane

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The women's yell was so loud the whole castle could hear it. You could hear her screams but not of fear. Oh no, this of a hyper child. Ones that had not been heard by anyone for a long time..to be more specific since the last time Diane ate cake.
King sighed floating to the kitchen, leaving Gowther and his boyfriend chatting emo GSA themslebes. As he got closer you could hear his wife going on about how excited she was about the wedding. He found himself smirking as he opened the door seeing the group of bridesmaids.
Margret was giggling as her two sister ate cake slowly. As for Gelda, she just looked tired as ever. Migas was downing as much cake as she could, which was understandable seeing as she hadn't eaten in days and was pregnant. As for his wife, well Diane was bouncing up and down like a child, thus showing she ate to much sugar once again.
"Honey?" He smiled looking at her. Diane beamed spinning her head around. Her eyes seemed to shine landing on her husband. King just grinned as his wife ran over yelling his name.
Just looking at them you would assume they were new lovers or separated lovers, when in reality they were married. Yet, every time king looked at her he fell in love with her again. Corny as it was, it was true.
"Baby I missed you sooooooo sooo much." Diane giggled, thankful she took Merlin's pills to shrink her down. That way she couldn't break her husband's bones in a hug, which she may have done before. Yet, heyyy he was still alive.
"Hi baby. How are you doing?" King smiled running his hands through her hair. Diane's head popped up as her smile was shining to him. She looked like a hyper teenager, which was cute to king.
"Sosososososososossososososo good! Like I've been eating cake for the past two hours and chatting about the future with our friends!"
"Yeah! Oh my god me and Elizabeth were chatting and we have plan to have kids around the same time?! Can you imagine that? So we can have our kids be best friends! Oh or they could marry each other! Like we could be parents in law! Oh or our chi,d could marry Migas kid! Speak of which did you know Migas was pregnant?!" She beamed showing how hyper she was. King looked at Elizabeth, who just gave him the normal look. The look that just told him she had been talking in circles. Usually he wouldn't do much but, judging by the other bridesmaids appearances, was tiring them out.
Of course this wasn't that bad of a thing. Yet, Diane was a lot of work hyper. Elizabeth found that out at their wedding when Diane ate like 17 cupcakes. So to give the other bridesmaids a break and held his wife hand. Slowly he started leaving her our of the room chatting with her.
"I know Meliodas told us remember?"
"Oh yeah I forgot that...but do you think he's really gonna spoil her kids? Cause like I can picture it now and it wouldn't end well. I can picture him giving the baby a piggy back ride and he would run the kid into a wall. Like I told Migas just to be careful with him though so I think they'll be fine." She giggled as her husband lead her down the hall so they can talk. That way she could work the sugar out of her system.
"What else do you imagine about him and this kid?"
And just like that she went off until the sugar was out of her system.

(TL/DR:Just Diane acting's like a hyper child while her husband tries to calm her down.)

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