Ban's offer

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Migas had rushed out of another practice dinner later that night leaving everyone speechless. She rushed around a corner and physically barfed over the railing of the castle. She just kept gagging loud enough for guards to wince at how violent it was. Like it was mortifying. So thank god she had ditched the girls so she didn't have to deal with them worrying over her.
And thankfully meliodas hadn't seen her. So that meant she wasn't going to be dragged back to bed to rest. Or you know spoon fed food by Mael to regain her energy. Or barf with Zeldris, who usually barfs whenever someone else does. For once she could finally be relaxed over being sick and maybe get used to it.
After all she barfed between 5-6:30 in the afternoon all the time. That is except for last night, but her nerves over her secret lover most likely made everything worse. This also explained the fainting spell.
She gagged loudly at the thought of what happened last night. It was violent enough that tears were in her eyes. So it was pretty bad. Bad enough to make her imagine he lover just to make her feel a little better. Thus why she didn't question it when she felt a hand rubbing her back and heard a voice whispering to her that it was alright.
That is until someone held her hair for her.
She had leaned over barfing again. As she did her hair lifted in the air as someone kept rubbing her back for comfort. Soon she caught her breath and leaned against a large muscular chest. Migas closed her eyes sweating a bit leaning into his touch, still feeling sick.
"Do-dont day it Mael..I know I should be in bed but, I can't help much from there." Migas shrugged holding in a gag assuming it was her older brother. She got a familiar  chuckled as a hand moved the hair out of her face,
"Am I really that muscular?"
Migas blushed looking up to seen ban. He some how had grown peach fuzz since the night before. He also looked much older somehow. Maybe it was because Elaine was always sick all the time, ever since she had been revived.
That's right, during the war the goddess had revived Eliane, but just like Migas had mentioned the goddesses were not sympathetic at all. They revived a dead girl, and gave her a sickly body. One that had fainting spells every few months. One that easily got deathly ill. If it wasn't for Elizabeth's powers, then Elaine surely would have died by then. Despite this Ban had kept his word, taking his now fiancé to see the world. They had gone around seeing the world, but with caution. Hell they even went to every festival if Eliane wasn't to sick.
So seeing as his lover was always sic, it made sense as to why he knew what to do with Migas.
"Hey foxy man." Migas chuckled weakly. "I haven't seen you since my grand show yesterday."
"I know. I didn't think I would get to see you until you were a midwife with like 17 kids." Ban joked getting a weak chuckle from Migas. That is before she gagged again, dashing to barf over the side of the railing again. Ban sighed holding her hair as she vomited up everything else she ate that day.
Ban sighed rubbing circles on her back as her tiny body began to shiver. Once she was done, she leaned back into her friends touch. He helped fix her hair before picking the weak girl up. Usually she would squeal or yell at him, but this time she just whimpered. Thus showing Ban she was heavily sick.
"This baby is already giving you trouble aren't they?" Ban smirked as they walked down the hall. Migas nodded resting her head against his Chest. He sighed looking down at her, but only seeing a memory in his mind of carrying a sick Kila to bed before she died.
"I want this whole barfing cycle to be over..." she whined.
"Well...Elaine has these herbs that help her when she starts feeling sick recently. I mean it was originally made for morning sickness which is odd, because as you know she's not nocked up, but it's been working for her for the last year. She said you could have some tomorrow for the wedding." Ban smiled trying to be kind. Migas nodded her head weakly somehow making her gag.
"I'll have to take her up on it...does she have anything else I can borrow that might help with me being sick all the time?" Migas sighed just listening to his foot steps, fighting the urge to barf on his chest.
"Well she does have something for you to borrow but, it's not for sickness." Ban sighs looking away.
"What is it?...if it's baby clothes I'm good. The king has offered me like 7 sets of dresses from all his girls." Migas chuckled to herself. She could clearly see where Elizabeth had gotten her heart of gold from if you met her father.
"Not really no..." Ban mumbled hoping to skip over this topic.
"Well what is it?" She yawned thankfully they were close to her room.
She just laid their sleepily in his arms, thankful to have help. Meanwhile ban just tried to think of how to word it. You know without it being so awkward. So they walked in silence when they reached her bedroom. He was about to open the door when, Ban finally spoke up again.
"Her fiancé."
"I'm sorry what now?!" She got louder without meaning to. Her heart was racing as she made eye contact with him. He sighs looking down at her.
"Well, here out of the demon realm...people don't have kids out of wedlock..if they do they're judged. So Eliane had the idea that I could marry you and get divorced after you have the baby. Like it's rare and only royals get divorced, but they would accept it for you because your a demon who could kill them all." He smiled trying to keep her happy. Migas chuckled a bit realizing he was just offering to be nice.
"Oh ban..."
"I know dumb idea and I-Oh my god are you crying?" Bab panicked laying her down on her bed. Migas sniffled nodding her head.
"I don't need you to marry me, but oh my god that's the nicest thing anyone has offered me since they found out I'm knocked my boyfriend doesn't even I don't even know how he'll react and somehow this is making me calm down an-an-OH JuSt HuG mE aLl ReADY! He voice cracked as she pulled ban into a bone crushing hug. Ban just smiled hugging her close, hoping that no matter what things would work out for her.
After all in a way, she was like his little sister too.

(TL/DR: Ban helps Migas out when morning sickness hits and offers her an option if her boyfriend doesn't stick around...One that Elaine is okay with.)

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