Mel Calm down

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"What's wrong sign her?" Mael asks first. Merlin sighs,
"Migas, would you like to talk in private?" Merlin smiled nervously getting a few worried glances her way. Usually she never did this unless it was a serious issue. The four demons fell silent as they slowly looked at her.
"No....look Merlin if it's serious I want them to know. Honestly." Migas sighs.
"Are you sure?" Merlin tried to imply with her eyes it wasn't that bad if news. Just news her brothers would freak out about.
"I'm sure of it." Migas blurted out as Meliodas held his sisters hand. Zeldris meanwhile was standing next to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. As for Mael he was just looking read to barf.
"If you're sure." Merlin sighed.
"Oh my god just spit it out! What's wrong with her!" Meliodas found himself yelling aloud. Merlin sighs.
"Migas, it appears you're four months pregnant." Merlin smiled.

The room was silent as the boys fell quiet. Migas's eyes were big as the words sunk in. Her fiancé and her....they had just started sleeping together a few months ago. She knew they should have waited until marriage. She knew she should have, but she let lust take over.
Yet, this definitely surprising. After all she was told she was most likely infertile. Since she had been in a comas for so long, all doctors she had seen has figured she would never be able to have kids. It wasn't like she pleased about the news. In fact it had destroyed her for a long time.
She could remember refusing to leave bed for weeks when she first found out. Mael had to do everything for her in order to insure her survival. When that didn't show her improving, her other brothers some how found time in a war to come help her. Eventually she had snapped out of it and accept that was the way life was. She was never destined to have kids.
Or at least she wasn't until now.
Migas was just speechless looking at Merlin. Her mouth moved but no words could be said. Hell she couldn't even think of what to say. She just looked shocked at a smiling Merlin before looking at Mael. He looked just as shocked as her seeing as he knew what the doctors had told her.
"Oh my god."
Migas turned her head to see Meliodas. His minds seemed to have processed what she had just said. His eyes were big as he let go of her hand.
"Meli." Migas sighs as she looked at him. She expected him to get upset. She expected him to glare or yell at her. Hell she even expect him to disown her. Instead she git the exact opposite.
Meliodas was grinning from ear to ear looking excited as ever. He was suddenly  bouncing up and down like a child as he began to realize he was gonna have a baby nephew or niece. Or oh my god, what if it was twins? That thought made him more excited as these thoughts went through his head.
"I AM GONNA BE A UNCLE!" He cheered before hugging her tightly. Migas just laughed aloud as she hugged back, before hissing as her hair was tugged on by his shirt sleeve. This caused her brother to quickly pulled away.
"Oh my god am I hugging you to tightly?" Meliodas asks. She shook her head. "Good."
And with that he was back to hugging her. As for Zeldris he had fainted. Like he was out cold on he floor like a statue within seconds making Mael burst out laughing.
Mael was laughing loudly before getting up. He climbed out of his chair, carefully climbed over his knocked out brother and hugged his sister lightly as well. Migas just smiled hugging them both seeming just as excited as them. The three demons were just beaming clinging onto each other.
"I see you're taking this well." Merlin grinned.
"Why wouldn't I? I'm gonna have a baby nephew to spoil! And I can buy him all the cool weapons he wants." Meliodas grinned.
"Wait what? My son is not fighting as a army boy. He's gonna be a mamas boy and be as kind as can be." Migas grinned cutely.
"Nope. He's gonna have swords and be the best friend of my future kids...I mean with our plans they'll be a three year difference but heyyyyyy...they'll get along great." Meliodas smirked.
"And what if it's a girl?" Mael smirked.
"Then I teach her how to use a knife!"
"What-What is is with you and teaching my kids to use weapons?"
"Weapons are fun!"
"I'm not sure their fath-"Migas quickly stopped talking as her eyes grew large. Did her fiancé even want kids now? What id he didn't? What then?Meliodas was hugging her more before a thought hit him.
To have children you needed to have sex. You need to have sex to have a baby. That meant some had slept with his sister..without protection. And judging by his sisters face, that meant he was not around or want gonna stick around.
So that just meant he had to add a person to his hit list.

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