Twenty Two

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Last chapter guys. <3 



It’s been a year already. A year that you’ve been gone. Honestly, this year sucked without you. I have Estelle, and even Dana now (who would’ve thought?), but no one to squeal to about how sweet she is (how awkward would that be with Dana?), no one to tease about the cute guy at Walmart that I know you were always eyeing.

He asked about you a few months ago.

God, Tab, I miss you. Estelle does too — Dana misses you more than you would have ever thought she could. She feels awful, you know. She hates that she made your last bit of life a living hell. She’s really turning around, Tab. She loves you.

Last night I had a dream about you. We just sat on your couch like always and talked. I’d like to think that was you, visiting me in some way, but then I imagined you hearing that, and knew how you’d roll your eyes.

I hope you’re doing okay. I saw your parents last night. They found out about my letters to you and gave me one from them to you. It’s with this one. I peeked — they honestly sound like they feel bad about not being there for you.

Estelle, Dana, and I are going out tonight to celebrate you. I’m sure it’s gonna be kick-ass.

But work starts soon, I have to go. I’ll take this to you as soon as I get off.

“Hey, you know she doesn’t like to read with people watching, Jo.”

I turned around to see Estelle and Dana walking towards me and a grin spread across my face. “Yeah, yeah. Are we going?”

“Of course! We were waiting for you, slowpoke. Come on!” Estelle winked.

I set my letter, as well as her parents’, next to the gravestone. She would have loved it, had she seen it.


“Coming!” I gave my best friend’s final resting place one last glance before catching up with the other two. Estelle welcomed me into her arms with a long kiss. Dana rolled her eyes.

“If you guys just stand here making out, we’ll never make it.”

I pulled away. “Fine.”

We made our way towards the car.

I love you, Tabitha.


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