Chapter 2

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At school all I could think about was my dad, I couldn't concentrate in first period, I didn't eat lunch, then I started to take my mind off of things by thinking about my birthday. It's in a couple of months. Yay me.

At the end of seventh period I hurried to my locker to get my homework and book bag.

"Auti!" Someone said as I turned around to see Austin.

"Yes, Austin?" I ask annoyed.

"What's wrong? I mean. I'm just curious." He said in a innocent tone.

"I'm fine." I said as my face started to heat up and as the burning tears started to form in my eyes.

"You don't look fine." He said sternly.

"Well I am." I say as I push past him and walk to the bus. He catches up to me.

"Well, if you need someone to talk to just text me." He says as he hands me a note with his number on it.

"Thanks." I try to say politely and I get onto my bus.

Authors note-
Sorry it's so short. More to come!

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