[Gijinka} This is a Sea Plane (Wilbur)

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Wilbur x Female!Reader

Requested by Miyakg2 on Quotev


The ocean rocks and sways the plane. Rain crashes down on the roof, the windows being more generous than it should and giving the passengers a slight gift of a leak.

Wilbur grabs a towel from behind my seat and reaches over me to shove it in the loose crook of the window. I sit as far back in my seat as possible, but there's only so much space that the two of us occupy almost completely all on our own. It's cramped and makes me feel a bit anxious, even more so as Wilbur is so close to giving me a hefty jab to the nose with his elbow. He grunts as he packs the fabric as tightly as the moisture will allow him, the dampness hoping and pleading to spread to the interior of his humble aircraft. The air smells of salt and desperation, the storm that landed us showing no signs of laying down a hand of mercy on us for the time being.

The humidity doesn't help at all, causing us to sweat more than desired and adding the element of slight body odor. Remnants of cologne from Wilbur's shirt find their way to my nose, and I try harder to lean back as much as I can because being able to smell someone's cologne means you're typically a little too close. It's a welcoming scent, though. Coffee and a tinge of jet fuel get swirled and drowned in the musk of frustration and perspiration.

I don't get to see him very often unless I'm touring islands or flying to visit friends. The butterflies in my stomach shouldn't be flying so high for someone I rarely get to see. I probably annoy him with how many times I use Nook Tickets to go Mystery Touring; arriving at an island, and then having me ask him to take me back home since it's not the island I wanted to be at gets tiring fast, I'm sure. Technically, it's my fault we're in this scenario at the moment. If I wasn't so impatient to go to an island, I'd be with my friends in the comfort of my own isle.

Wilbur looks over to me as he can see me slinking further and further into my seat from the corner of his eye, scoffing quietly and leaving the towel alone so he can sit back down.

"Sorry Bellbottom--" he lifts his sunglasses from his face and rests then on top of his head. "For leaning over you like that for so long, I mean."

"Ah, no-- I mean, it's fine. We're kind of put in an awkward position because of the storm," I try to reassure him it was fine, given his stress levels must be running higher than my own. It doesn't alleviate him any more than warranting a sigh and fidgeting with the watch on his wrist. "What do we do now?"

"Orville already knows we're stranded until the rain clears and that we don't have enough fuel to make it back home or to our destination since the wind resistance slowed our speed. Rescue Services should be coming for us in a few hours or so. At least, that's what I was last told," Wilbur groans and turns off the lights in the cockpit to conserve energy, taking a lighter from his pocket and flipping open the cap for a small flame. The moon breaking through clouds and the childish fire in between us illuminating next to nothing but our silhouettes and faces. "We should also try to use our phones as little as possible in case we drift close enough to a reception spot for them to locate us easier."

I nod and take my phone out to lower the brightness and turn off notifications to help prevent me from wanting to check it. He does the same and lays it on the small divider between our seats. I follow suit as Wilbur has more than likely been in this situation before and knows what he's doing.

His hair is matted with sweat and glued to his forehead, trails of the salty excrement paving their way down his face. He glows in the light of the small flame, his eyes glistening with worry, and his cheeks shimmering with desperation. Seeing him on edge makes the adrenaline in my system pump faster, the sweat on my body making me an unattractive level of itchy. We stay silent as we toss and turn on the agitated water, the unwanted amount of movement making the interior more and more unbearable in temperature. I fan myself with a map I found in a side compartment, but I'm simply moving hot air from one place to another. I keep glancing over at Wilbur to see how he's holding up: completely hammered with fraught as a million grievances of our predicament cause his eyes to glaze over as though his soul is astral projecting into another dimension. His chest rises and falls faster than what I'd think to be normal as his body is trying to do something about the heat. I know l can't take any more of this scalding assault and take my headset off from around my neck, hanging them on their hook above me.

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