[Anthro} A Picture Worth a Thousand Words (Redd)

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Art done by moi, Minty

Written by Minty

Redd x Female!Reader

Requested by Anicega


Redd observed as the island representative snapped photo after photo of the scenery. He had just arrived on the island on his boat, the "Jolly Redd's Treasure Trawler", and had been wandering the island in search of someone to deal some art pieces to.

From what he had gathered, the best patron available for his scheme would be the curious human he was watching. His nose twitched as the being drew closer, ears swiveling as the shutter of the camera became louder and louder. It took her a second before she noticed Redd, hurrying her approach to greet him.

"Well, well! You from around here? Hi, the name's Redd. I work in sales. And you are..?"

The island representative introduced herself eagerly, bouncing on her heels as she held up a camera, asking him if she could take a picture to commemorate the occasion. A sly smirk made its way to the keen fox's face.

"Well.. you could. For a price though, of course." He proposed, putting his stumpy paws together. (Y/N) begrudgingly fished out a bag of bells from her pockets, offering the currency to the greedy fox. Slightly taken aback from having his half-teasing bargain taken so seriously, he still readily accepted the money.

Redd put a paw on his chin as he posed for the girl, a small half-smile residing on his lips, his sharp pearly white teeth just barely peeking out. The breeze tugged at his fur as the sun dipped down and painted the sky in lovely pink and orange hues. She softly smiled as she clicked her camera, capturing the moment on her device. Before he could register what was happening, (Y/N) popped up next to him and took a quick selfie. Redd flushed red as his personal space was invaded, his tail stiffening with slight nervousness.

She giggled at the sight before turning away to look for a new subject for a picture. He watched, in a trance, as she faded into the distance. Then he realized he hadn't even sold her a piece of art like he originally set out to do. He quickly followed her trail, scurrying along to find her again at the prospect of even more bells for his pockets.

"Wait!" He called hunching over, huffing out breathes of air. She paused and turned away from the orchid mantis resting on a white rose she was taking a photo of. The insect fled deeper into the rose garden at the new looming presence. (Y/N) sighed before giving her full attention to the fox. He mumbled a quick apology before proposing his merchandise to her.

"I can see you've got an obvious artistic eye, cutie! Call it an instinct, but I brought this painting with me! And well, I wanna sell it to you, and only you, 'cause you're a cutie, and you're gonna get a giveaway price! How does 498,000 bells grab ya? It's a bargain. Whaddya say?"

The girl looked at him with a dead expression, lips pressed firmly into a thin line.


Redd visibly deflated at the girl's rejection, tail sagging and ears drooping.

"Come on, now! You're never gonna find a better price than..."

It only took him a second to perk back up again, scratching at his chin with a paw.

"Ah, but that was fate talkin', right? Reminding me of how cute you are... I mean, just look at yourself, doll face! So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna give you my cutie-only, patent-pending Cutie's Discount! For only 4,980 Bells, you'll be the proud owner of your very own painting." He offered, an almost dangerous glint in his eyes.

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