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       Hi, your local neighborhood Koeginky speaking!

We just wanted to let you guys know that we're pausing requests for this story at the moment. We're both super burnt out and need some time to recuperate and get back to working order. I've personally been wanting to work on some of my other stories for the longest time, but I couldn't since I was so busy with this one. One-shots can get tiring quickly since you're using ideas that have to be compressed greatly to fit into a short and sweet narrative, rather than allowing yourself multiple chapters and the time to run buck wild.

I've also recently picked up Team Fortress 2, so a lot of my energy is being redirected to my other interests since Animal Crossing got stale in my mouth. I don't know if or when we'll continue this book at a later date, but we please ask that you don't harass us during this break nor drop off a request so then we have them for when we open up again- which is, again, not guaranteed. Burn out is a serious and common thing among writers for fandoms, and it gets worse as the fandom becomes restless because they want more content. You simply cannot just expect content to be spat out at a rapid pace. Many of my requesters know I take time on my one-shots; some taking up to 2 or 3 weeks because ideas tire fast and you worry you're writing the same thing over and over again but with different words.

I'm not saying any or all of you don't do this, but I please ask that you take the wellbeing of the content creator into consideration before you complain about the lack of content. It's hard to create this kind of stuff, especially when you want that content to be as high quality as possible. We're human, too. Our interests come and go. We didn't start making stuff to cater specifically to that demographic.

With love and a Takis dust-covered keyboard,


Howdy hey, Minty here!

I still have a few requests to do, which I will get around to within the next week or so (hopefully). I've had a lot on my plate recently so I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to it, but just know if you have sent in a request to me I'm working on it.

Similar to Koegi, I also have a few stories I really want to work on and I really wanna be able to give my full attention to them. (I'm planning on writing a Persona 5 fanfic so if you're interested in that, be on the lookout) I'm also experiencing a little bit of burnout and I'm not as interested in Animal Crossing as I was before. I'm sure I'll come around again eventually, but I'm simply not as invested in it as I once was.

Thank you for being understanding!

-Minty ∩ʕ ❛ᴥ❛ʔ∩


• We're closing requests
• Don't whine in our discussions, please
• Don't leave a request for "when we get back"
• It is not guaranteed that we will return at all
• Humanize content creators and remember that they have individual interests as well that does not revolve solely around the content you want them to make
• If you've made a request prior to this update, it will be done eventually

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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