[Gijinka} Stage Fright (K.K. Slider)

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Human K.K. art by kingidol_ on Instagram. Check them out!!

Written by Koeginky

K.K. Slider x Neutral!Reader

Requested by B33sKn33S


"Hey there, Daddy-O!" K.K. calls me over as I'm running by to Nook's Cranny. I slow down and look around to see if he's calling anyone else. "Cop a seat, Pete."

"Hey K.K.," I greet. "I would love to sit and have a chat, but I have a few things to take care of."

"Take your time, Klein," he says as he tunes a string on his guitar. "Just come back to me once you're done. I've got a bit of a proposition for you."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Whenever you're available, come back," he says and sends me off to take care of my business. I hesitate some, but he looks over at me again with a smile and a wink, causing me to carry on my business.

I enter Nook's Cranny, and Timmy and Tommy run up to me with elated looks on their faces. I smile at them and turn to Tommy, happy that he gets to speak to me first. I sell him some fruits that grew on my trees and some fish that Blathers doesn't need. I also buy some party poppers to give some to my friends for K.K.'s concert tonight.

"Are you two going to see K.K. perform?" I ask them. They look at each other as if to ask for permission from the other one. They both frown and turn back to me.

"No, sorry!" Tommy apologizes. "Sorry!" Timmy echoes. "We promised Mr. Nook we'd help out with some secret business... Business."

"Oh, okay then." They look as though they've done something wrong. "Hey guys, lighten up! Maybe you can catch the next one?"

They pick up their faces and smile in excitement from thinking of spending some time with me next week. I smile with them and decide it's time I go back to check in with K.K. and see what he needed. I leave the store and hear the boys send me off, the bell jingling as I close the door. I hear K.K. playing a few chords, but he stops abruptly. There are a few strums, the strums getting higher in pitch each time he tightens a string by turning a peg. I watch him as his careful eyes keep switching between the direction he's twisting the peg in and then to his hand plucking the strings. He plays a small riff and seems satisfied with the key he's playing in, playing a different melody this time as he spots my approach. It sounds familiar as I stop in front of him. I open my mouth to ask what he needed until I realize that he's playing my favorite song! I smile and manage to hum a few notes, lowering my volume in embarrassment as K.K. looks up at me, surprised that I began to do so.

He gives me a smile of encouragement, but I eventually stop humming, making his smile turn apologetic with his thick eyebrows furrowing. I rub the back of my neck and look away.

"Hey, hey, why did you stop?" He inquires as he slows his playing to a few humble strums to fill the silence. "What? Stage fright hounding you like a flea?"

He chuckles a little at his own wordplay until he sees my awkward smile. He pulls out the strap for his guitar from his lap and holds his instrument by the neck as he places the strap on his shoulder. K.K. stands up and looks down at me. "I'm not used to performing in front of anyone or anything but my bathroom mirror."

"Well, then. I guess I can't ask you to be my duet partner, then."

"Duet partner?" I look up at him, his eyes wandering away from me as he carries a mischievous attitude about him. "I'm flattered, but--"

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