[Gijinka} Insurance Policy (Tom Nook)

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Written by Koeginky

No art to feature this time, sorry! But please check out badturquoise on Instagram for their rendition of Tom Nook!

Tom Nook x Neutral!Reader

Requested by Romaniantimetravlr


Isabelle's absence for the week doesn't sound like we'll be having too great of a time here in the Resident Services building. I volunteered to step in for her so Tom doesn't have to take her job, but Isabelle's reluctance to let me take over for her should've lead to foreshadowing. Her job is more difficult that she makes it look when I drop by for resources. From doing island announcements to an insane amount of regulatory paperwork, I honestly don't know how she can be so chipper. She probably also didn't want me to feel annoyed by being in a certain someone's presence more often. Tom decided to take over island announcements for me, considering how stressful things have become, and adding my friends pestering me about how nervous I sounded doesn't need to contribute.

"Have you done a lot of public speaking, Tom?" I ask as he finishes up announcements for the day.

"No, I wouldn't say too often. I'm used to speaking to new people all of the time, though, so this kind of stuff doesn't affect me."

"That neat, I guess."

I sit in Isabelle's desk across from Tom as he sits down, too. The chair is set a tad too high, so on my way down, Tom and I stare at each other, his smile growing in size as I sink further below his line of sight. He lets off a short laugh in response before logging onto his computer to do some work. I turn to my computer, too. Or, well, Isabelle's computer. The sticky note on her monitor reads "under the keyboard", so I naturally lift the keyboard to inspect. Another note gently falls from the backside onto the table, the permanent ink from the marker she used bleeding through the back. I flip it over.

<Hey, I know you volunteered to help, but I couldn't bring myself to shove my duties onto you without any formal training. I did my work in advance so you don't have to lift a finger! Also, please tell Mr. Nook I completed his work for the next few days as well, too. Go ahead and take a day off, the two of you. Really sorry for the shenanigans,


I stare at the paper for a few moments and set the keyboard down. That's very thoughtful of her, but what are we supposed to do all day? Excessive mouse-clicking comes from Tom's side as he speaks in a hushed tone, eyes darting frantically all over his monitor.

"Er, Tom," my voice comes out meeker than I expected. "I found a note from Isabelle."

"Does it explain why all of my forms have been filled out and rearranged in my storage?"

Rising from my chair, I round the two tables to Tom and hand him the note. He scratches the back of his head and mumbles the words under his breath, perking up with widened eyes and elevated eyebrows. He hands the paper back to me and resumes his attention back to the computer screen. Seeing as now I have some leisure time on my hands, my first choice would be to go back home and sleep in or maybe visit some friends on their islands. Then I'd be leaving Tom by himself, and I don't think he has much to do when he isn't working.

"Do you have anything planned, Tom?" I ask, more out of pity than anything.

He brushes off my question with a shrug. Timmy and Tommy run Nook's Cranny all day and Tom doesn't have many friends here. Why am I acting as though this is my problem, though? Sure, Tom has done a lot for this island and me specifically, but he's not my responsibility in any way. With that said, it'd be mean to leave him all by himself for the next few days.

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