[Gijinka} A Little Birdie Told Me... (DAL)

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This chapter's art was made by @/elithequeenbee on Instagram and Tumblr! I personally adore the emotion they convey into their artwork, so go give them a follow and check them out!

Written by Koeginky

Wilbur x Female!Reader x Orville

Requested by  Datuselessbard on Quotev


As I make my way into the airport, I'm slightly taken aback by the fact that Orville isn't behind the counter and the gate is open. It's the middle of the day, and I know that he wouldn't just leave his post like that. They weren't on the pier when I was walking up, so they must be in that room to the left. Wilbur always comes out that way when I'm going off the island, so that must be where they are, right?

I don't want to intrude, though. If that is their living space, I mean. I might see something... Unholy, if I barge in unannounced. My feet won't take me any further than the corner behind the gate, not wanting to put me at an angle where I can take a peek down the hallway. Standing here is making me feel like I'm a creep. I hear some voices all of a sudden.

"I don't know," Wilbur sounds hesitant. "She seems more interested in you."

"Me?" That's Orville, definitely. "C'mon bro, if you like her, ask her out."

That sounds interesting... Oh, gosh, I'm eavesdropping now. But, who's she?

"Bellbottom's been talking to you for much longer, though. I don't see her as often as you do."

"I don't think time really matters when you've already given her a cute nickname like 'Bellbottom.'" I hear footsteps approaching. "There's no competing with you either, anyway. Besides... isn't it a bit weird that we even have to discuss this?"

"What do you mean weird?" Wilbur questions, their footsteps stop.

"I mean, we're talking about a girl, and it's not like I talk about them very often. On top of that, you're my brother, and it feels like we're almost fighting over her. It doesn't feel right."

There's a moment of quiet between the two. "Do you want to date her or not?"

"Maybe," Orville responds meekly.

"Well, I do." They start walking again, and I feel panic set it, I back up on the tips of my toes and hope I'm not making too much noise as I rush as far back as the exit. They continue to carry their little dispute. "This conversation simply must be had, dear brother. I refuse to argue with you over the outcome of this situation so we have to talk about it now. Just don't sweat too much about it, she probably won't even choose either of us. If she does choose you, though, I won't be mad. You've gotta get a girlfriend sometime in your life."

"Or a boyfriend," Orville mutters.

"You're right, or a boyfriend."

I stand right outside the entrance to the airport with my back to the wall, out of sight to the boys. I don't think Wilbur calls anyone else Bellbottom, so they must've been talking about me. Technically, I shouldn't know any of this, it feels wrong. I listened in on a conversation I wasn't supposed to, and, knowing me, I'll find a way to make all of this worse. At the very least, I'll make it painstakingly awkward. I sigh and wait a few more minutes to shake off the adrenaline of nearly getting caught. Taking a few more deep breaths and trying to settle back into my normal temperament. I originally came here for a Mystery Tour, but this just might turn out more stressful than it ever has. I feel as though I've calmed down enough, even though it's super hard to act as though I didn't hear both of them say they have feelings for me.

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