
13 1 1

Its 12:24 noon

I haven't eaten all day

I'm starting to get those

Hunger pains

But its ok

I'm fat anyways

Where's the blood

The pain

And everything I deserve?

I deserve it


So where is it.

Where's all the blood that's supposed to spill?

I guess... I could give myself the pain?

But what good would that do?

I want someone else to do it

I mean, dad could

He even said it

"I don't get the whole

Hurting yourself thing...

...I mean, do you want me to hurt you?

I could. I'd totally do it for you!"

Then he laughed

I think he was drunk when he said that too...

Ugh. That day really stung.

But no matter

Its in the past

But it really is a good plan...

Pushing my dad to the edge...

...and getting the pain I deserve!


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