And now
a story about
how scary my mom
can be.
She snapped
because she forgot
to take her pills
And started screaming
and yelling
it was morning
we were going
to school
I ran into the car
I looked out
Mom had dragged
my brother
by his ankle
into the garage
Then shoved him
in the car.
A six-year-old.
She started the car
was still yelling
she started driving
slamming the brakes
driving way
above the limit
cutting corners
she continued
to say:
"You want scary?
I can be f*cking scary."
"You guys better
be wearing your seatbelts,
with the way I'm driving,
I might end up
killing us."
She continued on
to yell at my brother
and tell him
to put his clothes on
Did I mention he was naked?
Save for his underwear.
A six-year-old
Dragged across the floor
I was dropped off first.
I stood in the lot
and watched her drive away
and leave
to drop off my brother.
She texted me
that she was leaving
and wasn't coming back.
I didn't cry.
I couldn't.
I was in shock.
I told myself
She'd never
do that...
I didn't
believe myself,
I went to my friends
I held them
They held me
I told them
what happened
At least
I was being
After school,
dad picked me up.
He hadn't realized
what exactly happened
and acted normally
even though I
was terrified.
At home,
Mom was asleep on the bed.
She slept until
When she got up,
She said she stayed because
she was too sick
to pack bags.
And that she had
been crying and sleeping
all day
And that she hadn't eaten
or peed
all day.
And to top it off
She'd forgotten
to take the pill
that keeps her sane...
...for three days.
Needless to say.
She's scarred me for life.