Chapter 11

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(Y/N) POV:

We skidded into the yard and I sprinted to the giant front doors and threw them open. Bruce, Alfred, Ollie, Dinah, Arty, Clark, the boys, and Barry and Iris stood up. They all locked worried eyes with me. "(Y/N)?" Ollie asked. "No time to talk". I walked in quickly and looked at Alfred. "Can you please prepare warm towels and help me with Jon?" I asked. At this Clark rushed to me. "(Y/n), what happened to Jon?" he asked worried. "Bart" I said signaling in the speedster. Clark looked at him and in his arms was his beloved son bleeding from his head and arms. Clark grabbed him gently and placed his ear on his chest. He was alive but he was just unconscious. "Alfred and I can tend to him, Clark" I said placing my hand on his arm. He looked at me and nodded. We walked up the steps...well I walked up the steps Clark immediately flew into the room. 

Jon POV:

I felt weird. All I remembered was flying up to the sky then the box exploded. I have no idea where I am right now. Oh my Krypton am, I can't be. (Y/n) was there she would not have let me. Everyone else either but, right now I'm most likely at Wayne Manor. man is this what a coma feels like. I hope everyone is okay. Oh I hope dad isn't here, that'd be terrifying. I hope this didn't disappoint him if anything. Wait why would it? I saved the botanical gardens of Central City! Ow...okay maybe I shouldn't yell right now. Our battle was amazing though, but that ninja guy...he was making eyes at (Y/n)! Ow...yelling again...but no, ninja dude we have an establishment, Damian Wayne saw her first and I will do anything to keep this ship alive, well, and fed. Aw man I hope I wake...oh shoot, I think I'm...

(Y/n) POV:

Jon hadn't woken up. Alfred comforted me by saying that after the anesthetics wear off he'll be awake. But it's been almost four hours. The rest of the team had gotten home and they rushed upstairs. We haven't left his side. Mar'i sat next to him with her hand in his. Bart and Midori laid together on the bed, which made me question somethings but this wasn't an appropriate setting. Damian was right by Jon's side also, he had been sitting by his side the second he walked into the room. I was staring out the window just listening to the monitor beep and Jon's subtle breathing. Slade was going to pay I swear, I don't care if he's a name on my potential father list, you don't hurt the people that I love. When I checked the time, I walked over to him to change the towel. I grabbed it from the bowl next to Damian and placed the other in it instead. 

As I placed the new one on Damian intertwined his fingers with mine. "He'll be okay". "I know" I smiled. Suddenly I felt the bed shake. Damian and I quickly shot up as did Midori and Bart. Mar'i sat still a hopeful look on her face as she clutched on to his hand. The shaking stopped. Slowly Jon's blue eyes began to show. He looked at Mar'i who was crying tears of joy. "Hey Nightshine" he smiled. She threw herself forward hugging him. I was next followed by Midori and Bart. We all looked at Damian who just kept a smile. I grabbed him and pulled him into it. "Ow...ow" Jon chuckled. "Oh shit sorry" I said. "It's all good. What's the situation?" He asked us. "Well you have a few cracked ribs, a fractured wrist and some stitches from the cuts that were opened after the explosion and a bunch of bruises" I replied. "Krypton..." He sighed shocked. I nodded. "Is my dad-".

The door flung open. Clark rushed in. He looked at his son. "Dad?" Jon asked. Tears were culminating in the man of steel's eyes. He hugged him. We all smiled and walked out of the room as the father and son shared a moment.

I walked to the garden as everyone began to head home or to their rooms. I sat on one of the benches and sighed. Seeing Jon with his father had made me start to think and wonder of my own. Who are you? I thought to myself. Slade wasn't a strong candidate anymore. But random guy ain't doing so hot either. Roy. It could be but I don't know. This is so frustrating. 

I then heard someone's footsteps, pretending not to notice, I walked over to some flowers, that Alfred had started growing. When the footsteps grew closer, I felt the stare and shadow hover over me. I slowly stood up, clenched my fist, and swung as hard and as quick as I could. A shout escaped the man's lips as I realized who it was. "Shit! Roy" I gasped. Everyone rushed outside. "(Y/n) what's going on- Harper?" Bruce asked. "Roy, I told you to use the front door, to avoid situations like this. Remember what Kon did to you last week?" Ollie asked. He sighed and stood up.

"Sorry, (Y/n)" he chuckled and embraced her. "It's fine, I should apologize". Roy just smiled and ruffled my hair. As Ollie patted his shoulder and practically shoved him inside, Bart walked over to me. "Option numero uno". I shrugged. "Option one on what?" Midori asked. I looked at Bart then to Midori, Damian, and Mar'i. "I've started looking into options on who my dad could be". They all looked at one another. "And you think it's Roy?" Damian asked. I nodded. "I can see it" Midori admitted. "What makes you think it's him?" Bart asked. "I don't know" I sighed sitting back down. Mar'i sat next to me. "It lines up if it's actually him...I remember my mom telling me stories of her and Roy's adventures and stuff, they seemed really close". "So like you and Damian?" Bart asked a hint of tease in voice in the mist of the serious situation at hand. "I'd say more you and Midori, but sure". The speedster turned bright red. "Why me?!" Midori squeaked. I lightly chuckled. "Blame your boyfriend". "He's not my-never". "Don't say that Dori" Mar'i winked. 

Midori smirked. "Mhm, and so are we gonna just pretend you and Jon aren't a thing or...?". "Shhh, Dori no! He has super hearing!". "Good Nightshineeee". Mar'i pulled her shirt over her face to hide the blush then stood up and began playfully arguing with Bart and Dori . I looked at Damian who was just amused. When he noticed my gaze he smiled. "Amazing isn't it?" he asked. I giggled. "Yeah". He sat next to me. "We'll find out who it is" Damian reassured. "Thanks, but that's not a main priority, finding the truth and mom is main". "Then we'll do that to, I'm not going to let you down, (Y/n)". I smiled at him. I then heard a loud high pitched squeal so loud and ear piercing that it stopped the argument in front of them. "What was that?" Bart asked.

I sighed. "Jon stop using your super hearing!" I shouted. "Sorry!" He shouted back.

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