Chapter 4

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And so Tuesday turned into Wednesday, and Wednesday to Thursday, and Thursday to finally Friday. Every day was the same-get picked up by Louis, school , daydream of Louis, and then hanging out after school with the alpha. Louis has gone back to Harry's place just one more time since Monday.

Harry's nest only got bigger and somehow more full. Louis would never say it, but he noticed some of his shirts from this week tucked neatly into the sides of the nest, close to where Harry would lean his head. Omegas only do this when they are prepping for heat, as they usually only want their own scent in their nest. Omegas will take an alpha's items that smell like them, or have an alpha they trust scent their nest while prepping for heat so other alpha's stay away.

Louis stayed quiet about his missing clothes out of respect. What he wanted to do more than anything was tell the omega he would fuck him through his heat and make it the best heat he had ever had, but he did not want to scare away Harry. They had only just met and though Louis was ready, he never wanted to do anything to make Harry feel uncomfortable.

The pack house after school on Friday was booming with excitement. Everyone was eager to meet the new pack members, and more so, eager to meet the omega that has stolen the head alpha to be's attention.

"Mom! Does this look okay?" Louis went to his omega mother in the kitchen. Louis was wearing a button down shirt, untucked with a pair of skinny jeans. Casual, but not too casual, and dressy, but not too dressy.

Mark put down the plates in his hands and looked over at his son. "Oh honey you look amazing. what you're wearing is perfect."

Louis smiled at him and walked into the hall to fix up his hair. God dammit this omega was gonna be the death of him. Walking away from the mirror, Louis made his way over to the kids that were playing in the game room and decided to join, being that he has always loved children. Louis was so preoccupied with playing with the children, he did not hear when the omega and his mother pulled up to the house.

As Harry and his mother pulled up to the pack house. Harry's shirt was practically wet from nervous sweats. I mean who wouldn't be? Harry was meeting Louis' parents for the first time-and the rest of the pack. Logically speaking, yes Harry had met most of the pack members his age, but there was still tons and tons more he had never even had a conversation with. As Harry exited the car he tucked his chin to his chest.

Harry's mother rubbed his back and kissed the side of his head. "It's alright baby. They're all gonna like you."

They went ahead and knocked on the front door, being that they aren't officially part of the pack. That would come at the first full moon cycle. And being that they just had a full moon before they moved, they still have another month or so before they would be bonded to the rest of the pack. It was only a few seconds before no other than Niall opened the door.

"Hey bro, it's great to see ya! Looking good." Harry looked down at what he was wearing and though he didn't know it yet, he and Louis were practically wearing the same thing.

"Thanks Niall. This is my mother, Anne." Harry paused, gesturing to the omega next to him. "Mom, this is my friend from school, Niall." They exchanged pleasantries for a moment as they stepped inside the huge home. Harry subconsciously looked around for Louis but he was no where in sight.

"Anne do you mind if I steal Harry? A bunch of us are chatting in the living room."

"No no, not at all, I'll go see if I can be any help in the kitchen."

"It's just past the stairs on the right!"

"Thank you Niall, it was lovely meeting you."

"Nice meeting you Anne!"

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