Chapter 3

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Sitting in English class Harry barely was listening to the others recite their poems to the class. The only thing he was thinking about was how telling his poetry was, Louis, and how there was only 5 minutes left in class. Harry might get out of this until tomorrow and by then he can write new poems so his classmates don't know about his embarrassing crush on the Alpha.

"Harry Styles?" He hears his name called out. Fuck. Okay no getting out of this one. He took his time shuffling through his papers, trying to stall. Between him stalling and day dreaming before only 2 minutes are left.

"Okay erm, I was inspired by a book for this one." Harry lied through his teeth.


This is real

And this is new

My thoughts running amuck

My feelings askew

This is it

What I've been waiting for

My heart's racing

Waiting, for tomorrows knock on my door





Though we just met,

You are everything new

You are the spark lit inside of me."

Just as Harry was finishing his last stanza, the bell rang. He quickly shuffled back to his seat, threw his books into his backpack, and left the once loved English classroom. Upon leaving he barely was able to stop himself from bumping into Louis.

"Hey I was getting worried for a moment I went to the wrong classroom." Harry knowing that's a lie because Louis would be able to smell him chuckled.

"Yeah, we had to recite our poetry and i was going while the bell rang."

Louis looked at Harry like he was hiding something and they went off to Harry's next class. In fact, that's how the rest of the morning went. Louis walked Harry from class to class for each period. When it finally became lunch time, they sat in the same seats as yesterday and waited for Niall to get in.

"That's all you've got?" Louis said looking at Harry's leftovers of pumpkin mac.

Harry looked from his food to Louis and shrugged. "Yeah, what's wrong with that? It's a huge serving." And Harry was not wrong about that. He had used what looked like an old Chinese food container to package up his lunch.

"Where's your protein?" Louis challenge.

Harry started laughing so hard he couldn't even answer for a moment.

"What? What's so funny Harry? It's a serious question!"

Niall came over looking at the two in shock at the complete 180 they did compared to yesterday.

Harry sobered up enough to finally answer Louis. "Oh of course, ask the vegan about their protein. How's your b12 levels? And your calcium?" Harry snickered into his food as he took a bite. When he finally finished chewing he looked up at Niall and Louis greeting each other. "Hey Niall, how's it going?"

"Good, good, and yourself?"

"Not as bad as yesterday. Louis has been showing me around." Harry looked over to smile at him.

The rest of lunch went as expected. Louis and Niall going back and forth at each other, Louis constantly checking to make sure the omega was eating, and of course Louis trying to solidify plans with Harry for after school.

In fact, the rest of the day went the same as this morning. Louis walked Harry to and from every class that day. And during class Harry filled his notebooks with his and Louis' initials. Math was the same as yesterday but this time rather than whisper screaming at each other, they passed notes.

You look really cute today


That first note Louis sent Harry's way was enough to make the whole room fill up with his embarrassed yet pleased pheromones. Harry was embarrassed but wrote back a note any way.

You look better.


Louis smiled confidently at the note.

Harold I promise you do not want to start this war with me, I am alpha, i will win.


Though it was clear Louis was joking, Harry still shivered at the dominance in the note. Harry decided just to send back a winkey face in a note, which in turn, made Louis smile.

On the way home from school and on their way to Louis' house, they listened to music and screamed lyrics at the top of their lungs. Though it was January and it was cold out, they had the windows down as they drove without a care in the world.

Upon entering Louis' house aka the pack house Harry was astonished. You see, back in Manhattan, there were so many people in his pack that they did not get together. Harry doesn't even recall meeting the head alpha and luna. Harry has never seen a pack house before. It was big and beautiful and there was so much space for everyone to gather comfortably. Harry took it all in while Louis stared at him curiously.

"What? You've never seen a pack house before?"

Harry blushed. "No, I actually haven't, Manhattan pack was too big to all get together."

Louis gave Harry a sheepish smile. "Whoops. Sorry forgot about that. Well let me give you a tour."

Inside the pack house there were three floors. The first floor consisted of a large kitchen, a game room, a living room and a room that reminded harry of where people to go have events with a lot of people. The second floor were filled with bedrooms for pack members who chose to stay in the pack house. And the third and final level was for the alpha and his family. Louis explained how once he mates he will become head alpha and will take the entire upstairs for himself.

After walking through only a fraction of the huge pack house, they finally end up in Louis' room. Harry think's it's more like a suite though being that he has his own bathroom, walk in closet, and separate sitting room which Louis turned into a music room. In this room there were multiple guitars, a grand piano, a key board, and what looks like equipment to mix his own music.

"Whoa, you have so many guitars." Harry lightly brushed his hand over one, scared of breaking it.

"You wanna try one out? Here this one is all you." It was a dark wood stained guitar-acoustic. Louis picked one up for himself and then strummed a few notes. Before long it turned into a one on one guitar lesson.

"So this is one of the most popular chords right here. It's called a G chord. You just wanna put that finger right there-no the string below it-yes Harry just like that! Good job. Yes now use your right hand and strum a few times, It doesn't have to be anything complicated, just to hear the sound you can make."

As it turns out, Louis was a fantastic teacher, and very patient with the young omega. They spent the entire afternoon messing around in Louis' music room. It wasn't long until they were interrupted by Harry's cell phone. It was his mother.

"Hello?...Yeah I am at Louis' why?...Oh shoot sorry mom, I'm coming back now." Harry frantically gathered his belongings and turned to Louis. "Hey would you be able to bring me home? I forgot I had told my mom I would be home for dinner."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Sorry I let time get away from me. I will not let that happen again."

The ride back to Harry's wasn't nearly as fun as the ride to Louis' house. That is due to the fact that Harry was now gloomy because he's leaving the presence of the alpha. Upon pulling up to Harry's house, Louis took Harry's hand and kissed the top of it saying, "Stay safe. I'll see you tomorrow at 6:45." And kissed it again. 

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