Chapter 6

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The night Louis kissed Harry he realized that was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Upon the explanation of the courting process, he also realized just hot beautiful and magical it was.

Throughout the courting process the alpha's main goal is to not only show their love and affection, but also show that the alpha can provide for the omega. This can mean many things. Giving gifts is what most alphas do, though some will simply open up a savings account for their omega. Louis, however, made it quite clear that he was not like most alphas. He planned on doing something extravagant to show Harry just how much he cares, though refused to tell Harry because it would "ruin the surprise".

The showing of the ability to provide was only one aspect, though it carries on throughout the courting process and should continue after they are mated. During courting there will be dates, nights they will stay together, and towards the end, the omega will move in with the alpha. These dates should be out of the ordinary-cooking together, travelling, even something potentially dangerous, just to show the alpha will always protect the omega.

As for moving in, that will only be for the last week of courting. They will move in together and stay in the same room, but they cannot mate until the omega goes into heat. Louis let it slip that ever since the pack dinner his parents started moving their belongings into the guest house out back. At that slip Harry, in typical Harry fashion. blushed a deep red.

And finally the mating. As said before it is to be done only when the omega is in heat. The alpha will extend their canines and bite the soft tissue where the neck meets the shoulder on the right hand side, all while he pops his knot. Typically the alpha will only bite down for 3-5 seconds to make sure it stays and then will lick it to help it heal.

Being courted was all Harry thought about in school on Friday. It was hard to think about anything else, especially when Louis interrupted his first period class with a bouquet of roses. It wasn't enough to interrupt class though, Louis made a big show of walking up to Harry and placing the roses in his arms before saying "For my omega" and planting a kiss on his right there.

Louis made it known throughout the day that Harry was his and he was taken. Some speculated that he fucked him through his heat, but only closest to them knew it wasn't the case.

Then came their infamous not-date on Friday night. Harry spent hours after school getting ready for their dinner and a movie. He changed his outfit three times before finally settling for a Fleetwood Mac t shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown boots. Harry was fixing up his hair into a quiff when he heard a knock on the door.

"Mom I'll get it!" Harry screamed quickly, wanting to be the one to open the door for Louis. Harry finished up his hair fast and ran down the stairs to open the door. Louis was standing there with Harry's favorite chocolate, and a gift wrapped rectangle.

"Hey love, how was your afternoon?" Louis pulled Harry in for a quick hug and kiss on the side of his head.

"It was good. I spent a lot of time getting ready for you." Harry blushed, as he looked for his alpha-to-be's approval.

Louis and Harry stood in the entryway and Louis stepped back to take a good look. "Twirl for me, baby."

And Harry did.

"So pretty." Louis pushed back a fallen piece of hair out of Harry's face before letting his hand rest there on his cheek. He planted a swift kiss to the boy's lips.

"I have something for you."

Harry giggled, "I gathered that much."

"Hey! Be nice to me, or no gifts!" Louis said in a playful tone.

"Nooooooo Louuuuuu."

"Alright, alright. Here." Louis handed Harry the gift first and held onto the flowers so his hands would be free to unwrap the present.

Harry ripped the paper open and upon seeing the gist, immediately let a smile grow on his face, showing his dimples.

"I just figured you must be running out of room in your old, beat up journal."

"Lou! I love it thank you!"

"I still want to hear some of your poetry one day."

Harry just smiled and went off to find a vase for his sunflowers.

On their not-date they went to see the new Adam Sandler movie and laughed the whole time. At one point Louis did the oh-so cliche yawn into the ar over the shoulder move. They must have laughed harder at that than any one single scene in the movie.

When the movie was done they went off to a diner and were immediately seated.

"Lou, this is the best first not-date I have ever been on."

"Harold, just how many not-dates have you been on?"

"Just this. Hey! It still counts!"

"if it's the only one then of course it has to be the best."

"And the worst." Harry sassed under his breath.

"Hey! I heard that."

They finished up there meals and got dessert. Louis flung M&M's at him the whole time, which made Harry in turn throw sprinkles at him. In the end they were causing such a scene that they were asked to leave the diner.

As they pulled up to the house, Harry sighed.

"Sweet omega, what's wrong?"

"You're leaving me." Harry almost let a whine creep up in his throat.

Louis got out of the car and opened the passenger side for Harry to get out as well. "I'm not leaving you omega, I'm just going home. I'm here if you need anything. For you I'd run."

Harry sighed again before falling into the embrace of Louis strong arms. "I had fun tonight." Harry mumbled into Louis' neck.

Louis lightly scented him. "Me too love."

Being scented made him compliant and he did what the alpha asked. They walked to Harry's front porch and he turned his face up and met Louis for a sweet kiss.

Well, that sweet kiss turned spicy. Louis bit the bottom of Harry's lip, causing him to gasp. The kiss turned into a full make out. Louis pushed Harry against the front door and grabbed hungrily at his hips, all while releasing very personal pheromones. Harry moaned into the kiss and jutted his hips forward, feeling his backside become wet with slick. The kiss went on like this for a few more moments before Louis nicked Harry with his canine, which was Louis' signal to stop before he lost control.

Looking up at Louis he could see his eyes were black, and he was fighting his canines to go back up. Harry smiled to himself.


"Omega, I can't. Be good for me. Go upstairs to your nest and get a good night sleep for your alpha."

Harry obliged.

That night Harry fell asleep in his big warm nest. It wasn't until about three o'clock in the morning that he woke up.

Harry got a sinking feeling in his stomach when he heard noise coming from his window. He curled up into a tiny ball and shook as he heard the window open. It wasn't until he heard a high pitched, "Ow, fuck." That he realized it was only Louis. At this point Harry already had tears flowing down his face, being scared and tired, he whined out, "Alpha."

Louis immediately went over to Harry and scooped him in his arms. "Sweet baby, I'm sorry for scaring you. I just couldn't sleep through the night. I missed you."

Harry continued to whine and cry into the alpha's neck, all while getting a good whiff of his soothing pheromones.

"Shh, baby it's okay. It's just me." Louis rubbed his back and pulled him closer-if that was even possible. "Come on, let's sleep now. I'll be here when you wake up." The alpha released even more pheromones causing Harry to fall asleep almost instantly.

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