Chapter 2

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Louis decided that in that moment, It would be best to place him down in his nest while he sits in the office chair across. And you see that would have been an amazing idea, if it wasn't for the fact that as he went to set the omega down, he was pulled down with him.

"Oh sweet omega, why are you doing this to me." Louis chuckled and pulled the omega into his chest. He didn't scent him because Harry seemed to be calming down. "This is a lovely nest you have here." He kissed the top of his head. Harry only purred in response. Louis indulged in the feeling of being cuddled up with Harry. Time slowed down, making it hard to decipher just how long they had been laying there together.

After a few blissful moments, Louis knew that he needed to help Harry fix what sent him into the meltdown in the first place. "How about we get you all set up in your room here. I think that'll make you feel a little more at ease, yeah?" Louis started rubbing the omega's back trying to lull him back into reality. With a groan Harry sat up. "Feeling better?" Louis asked with a small smile.

Harry's face went a deep red, "Um, I, yeah. Thanks." He tucked his neck into his chest while getting up.

"Hey it's alright. I'm glad I was there to help you, I was actually thinking about you as I was driving and something told me to take the scenic route. I'm happy I was the one to find you Harry. I always want to be there to help you." Louis was now right in front of harry holding him by the hips.

Harry turned away from Louis as be smiled big. "Alright well, um thank you for everything, I'm just gonna, uhh, set up my room now." He shuffled around and started to try to move a bookshelf that was in the middle of his room.

Louis being the good Alpha that he is couldn't stand to see Harry struggling with moving the bookcase, so he jumped in to help.

"So what made you move here?" Louis started the conversation out light, knowing Harry was nervous as he could smell it in the air.

Harry started unpacking his books from a box. Fantasy, poetry, and auto-biographies being loaded onto the shelf as he replied. "My mom went where there was work. I'm from Manhattan originally, but it's um, better work out here. Slower paced for her which is better for an omega working full time."

Louis didn't comment on the fact that Harry's mother worked full time, sensing that it was an uncomfortable topic for Harry. "Well I'm glad your here now." Louis almost said it so low that you couldn't hear him. But Harry did. Louis started assembling a new desk while Harry was still unpacking boxes. "So Harold, what is it you like to do for fun?"

Harry looked up smiling, "I love writing poetry. I actually have an English assignment due tomorrow on poetry."

"Do you want to get started on that while I do your room?"

"No, no. It won't take me long to do at all. I might even recycle some of what I already have written." Harry furthered his point by holding up a beat up looking leather bound notebook. "What about you, what do you like to do for fun?"

Louis tightened a screw in the wood that was now starting to resemble a desk. "I mainly like to workout and help my parents with the pack stuff. When I have a lot of free time I play some music actually. Mainly guitar, but I do play a bit of piano. Just enough to get by."

"Can I see one day? I love music."

"Yeah totally. Maybe after school tomorrow you can come by the pack house."

Harry smiled into his shoulder as he turned away blushing, yet again.

And that is how the afternoon went. They chatted while they moved things around, they arranged everything perfectly, and most importantly when Louis thought Harry wouldn't notice, he would scent what ever he could get his hands on. Harry was so in his own world that he didn't even notice books, towels, and pens were being scented. You see the whole room already smelled like Louis so it wasn't a huge change in the air.

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