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Ashley's POV

"Do you have any bread that isn't moldy?" I ask John B.

He picks his head up from laying on the table and shakes it. His hair was covering his eyes and he looked exhausted.

"Just eggs it is." I mumble as I make breakfast.

"I smell something good!" JJ yells as he enters the kitchen.

Unlike John B he was wide awake.

"Whatcha making Ash?" JJ asked me.

"Eggs." I mumble as I place them on the pan.

I feel JJs arms snake around my waist. He nuzzles his head on my shoulder.

"Can you guys not make me wanna throw up at 8 in the morning." John B groaned.

He stood up and walked out of the kitchen. I felt JJs body against mine and I felt my cheeks get hot. I tried to move and grab some plates but JJ stayed latched to me.

"JJ let go of me." I groan as I try and pry his hands off my waist.

"Nope. I am gonna hold you for forever." He whispers as he kisses my shoulder.

I grab the plates as JJ remains latched to me. I put the eggs on the plates and set them on the table.

"John B, Pope, Kie. I made eggs!" I yell through the house.

"Can you let go of me so we can eat?" I ask JJ.

I feel him shake his head. He sits down with his arms still wrapped around me and pulls me into his lap.

"Clingy much." I mumble as we both eat our eggs.

John B walked into the kitchen grabbed his eggs and left.

"Wake up pope and kie!" I yell at John B.

"Okay mom!" He yells back.

"Why are you extra clingy today?" I ask JJ.

"I just want to be with you." He says as he squeezes me.

"Is it because of what happened last night?" I ask him.

"I couldn't protect you and I'm sorry." He whispers. I turn around and look into his eyes. He was so worried about me. But he still only sees me as a friend. Do I want him as more than just a friend?

"Yes eggs!" Pope yelled as he entered the kitchen.

I quickly look away from JJ and continue eating my eggs.

"You guys eat together now. Wow." Pope said as he sat across from us.

"You didn't make toast?" Pope asks as he looks at me.

"If you want moldy toast make it yourself." I reply causing JJ to laugh.

"Rawr. Sorry, I guess Someone woke up on the wrong side of JJ." Pope said back causing my mouth to drop open.

I felt JJ stiffen underneath me.

"Low burn Pope. Low burn." JJ replied.

I heard a yawn and turn to see Kie.

"Thanks for making us eggs. Why are you sitting on JJs lap?" Kie asked as she grabbed her food.

"Are you surprised she is sitting on JJs lap?" Pope responded.

"Pope is cranky this morning." JJ said causing me to nod in agreement.

I felt JJ kiss my neck.

"No body else is allowed to touch you but me. Not rafe, not anybody." JJ whispered so only I could hear.
I want some eggs 😂

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