Chapter 1:Saving a poor soul

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"Are you sure it's this way, Iskall?" Stress tilts her head, glancing at the space out of the spaceship as she drives

"I'm sure we went to the wrong direction" Scar leans on his chair, putting his arms behind his head and crossing his legs "Or this being doesn't exist, just like happened last time"

"X said it was around here, he can't be–" Iskall rolls his eyes, until he located something not far from their location "There he is!" The swedish runs to put his astronaut outfit and go get the being out there

"Wait, you're serious?!" The brown haired man almost falls from his seat as his friend runs out of the room

"Oh god! C'mon Scar, we need to help iskall!" Stress runs out the door as well

"Wait for me!" Scar gets up, running after the two

Once the three were dressed up, Iskall, who volunteered to go grab the person, that they identified as a boy, was out on space, floating slowly to the poor guy, he looked really ill, his skin had purple spots on it, some cracked skin freed from him, it looked like he was slowly dying
He finally grabbed the boy, struggling a little to hold him tightly, those wings were either hitting his helmet or chest, but turning him to have his face on his shoulder helped, Iskall wasn't sure if it was safe, but it had to work

"I've got him!" He was slowly pulled to the spaceship, holding the guy close, wondering how he got that appearance

Inside the spaceship, they lay the boy with his back up, Scar finishes putting his clothes away with a sigh

"Geez, it's been a while since we did this the last time" The brown haired man stretches

"Indeed, it's been a good while" Stress eyes the guy, how that civilization ended up with such strange destiny? well, if Xisuma was right about him being the same civilization of Tango's mother, he does look a lot like him tho

The boy started to wake up, groaning in pain

"Vivus sum?" The boy whispers, looking at his purple hands, but, when his saw the amount of white around him, he started panicking, looking around and flapping his purplish wings "Úbi sum?"

"Hey, kiddo" Iskall gently getting closer to the child, who turns fastly at him and backing away to the wall

"You're scaring him, Iskall! Give him space to breathe" Scar puts a hand on his friend's shoulder

"Quid? Quis es? Populus meus quid factum est?" The blond turns his head to the left, starting to tremble, but something catched his eyes "alis mei, ipsi erant 'rumpitur!" He states panicking as his wings twich

"What's you name, kiddo?" Stress knees infront of the boy gently brushing his knee

"Ego grian, parentes mei quondam iracundiam me iunior siblings nati sumus" Grian weakly explains, his tensed shoulders relaxing, he understood English somehow, just didn't have the ability to speak it "Mortem autem venit ad me, i cadit seorsum"

"Grian, uhm?" The brown haired woman receives a nod, she looks over to Scar and Iskall "I'll drive us home, try explaining him everything, okay?" She gets up and disappears to the control room

"quod explicare?" The blond looks to the two man infront of him

"We don't understand anything you say, bud" Scar sits down, making Grian look even more confused than he already is, suddenly, a screen came from the ceiling, stoping infront of the blond, who got startled by it

"We have a intruder on the ship, a weird one to be exact" A mechanical voice came from the speakers, Grian flinched at it, being close to enclose himself on a tight ball

"No, Grumbot, we just saved him" Iskall laughs, Scar doing the same

"I'm pretty sure it's an intruder, Xisuma will be alerted" Grumbot turns to the two astronauts

"You're alerting X and I'm alerting Mumbo, you are malfunctioning" The swedish laughs again, the robot retracts back to it's resting place

"Grumbot?" The boy babbles, his voice gaining a British accent

"Oh, you sound natural from England!" The brown haired man points out "Just like the spoon" both man laughs

"England...? Spoon...? Quid est? Numquam audivit de eo" Grian tilts his head to the right, wrapping his wings around his body

"England is a nation and spoon is how we call our friend Mumbo Jumbo" Iskall explains looking out the window "I think you'll like him, he's really sweet" the boy just nods looking out the window as well, wondering how these strange creatures found him

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