seven: TXT

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Soundtrack: 'Crown' by Tomorrow X Together



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After the audition, I took Lia to the practice studio since the boys wouldn't shut up about how she nailed singing our song and how gorgeous she looked. 

"This is Kang Taehyun. He's younger than me but he's actually really mature but sometimes he can be quite a savage. Singer,keyboardist and synthesizer. He can go full high notes without cracking his voice. And don't worry, he's taken." I said, referring to the boy with the big eyes. Lia nods and smiles to him.

"and this," I pointed my thumb to the boy with the drumsticks on his hands beside me, " is Heuning Kai. The drummer, singer, one of the idiot of the band, the loudest, youngest. He's a softie but not that dangerous."

Kai furrowed his eyebrows, "why do you introduces us like we're a pack of predators?" 

I blinked, "because you are. well, only you guys are, except me." I can hear Lia giggles on my side, "last but probably the least, the coke-addict-"

He made a face to me, "I have a name."

"fine." I roll my eyes, "this is Choi Beomgyu. Lead guitarist, vocal and sometimes rap too. He's pretty much annoying and talks a lot, another one of the idiot of the band-"


"-but sometimes, he writes amazing songs." The latter grins in delight, yeah, his narcistic side shows, " out for this one though" and his grin faded. 

"Choi Soobin. Leader. Lead singer. bassist. the sarcastic and egoistic one in the band." Beomgyu said, while patting my back.

"couldn't agree more." Kai grins.

I made a face to him before turning back to Lia, "Change my mind. Just watch out for these two. they're pretty much dangerous" I said pointing my fingers out to Beomgyu and Kai, Lia just giggles in response. 

"sorry about that Lia-ssi" Taehyun said, "they're always fighting about anything" 

Lia smiles, "it's okay. I know how Soobin fights with his friends." I kinda recalled the time during camp where I would fight with Yeonjun almost everyday, "and you can just call me Lia. just drop the honorifics" 

I shook my head, "I do not fight. Fight is physical and I don't do physical things. I prefer the term debating." I explained. 

Lia smiles knowingly, "right..." 

"sometimes he's also the poet of the band, aside from Beomgyu-hyung" says Kai. mostly, it was me and Beomgyu who wrote all the songs. Before, when there's Yeonjun, it would've been the three of us. 

"but mine's better," Beomgyu exclaimed, I give him a glare, "for example, that song you were singing a while ago. Yeah it was all me." he winked to Lia. 

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