fifteen: argument

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Soundtrack: 'Don't Be Happy' by MAMAMOO feat Bumkey



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"Ah! here she is!", Tiffany-ssaem gets up from her seat, high-spirited as ever when her eyes landed on me and Soobin the minute we arrive at the choir room, "Soobin said you didn't go to school yesterday. Are you feeling better?" she asked, with her american english accent. 

I smiled and nodded my head. She gives me a warm smile that reach her eyes. She's so nice. 

"you'll be okay if I leave you here now?" Soobin asks, nudging my arm. 

I smirk in response, "I didn't ask you to come with me" It's not like I'm a child who needs someone to follow her around all day. 

"I know", His usual smirk plastered on his face as he pats my head, "well, I guess I'll talk to you later. I got band practice"

"okay" I said, "thanks for walking me here" 

He titled his head a little while making his way out of the room, "see you arond, Fany-ssaem" which Tiffany-ssaem gives a little wave in response. 

"aww" I turn around to see Tiffany-ssaem grabbing my arm and looking at me with eye smiles, "he's so sweet. escorting you and all" she said while pulling my arm to the choir team before I can even respond.

"Lia-ssi" she continues when we stopped in front of a guy who was handing out a piece of paper to the choir team, "this is Lee Jeno. He's in charge of the male lead and he will be guiding you through your first days. Think of him as an alpha wolf" she winked before leaving me to the hand of this Lee Jeno.

"hey" he pulled out his hand and smiled, "I'm Lee Jeno. the current male lead in the choir"

I took his hand and bowed a little, "nice to meet you, Jeno-ssi. please take good care of me" 

He waved his hand a little, "please, just call me Jeno" I can hear some of the girls squaled in the back. Guess, he was the popular one in the choir, "and by the way, your audition was beyond amazing" 

I can feel myself a little embarrased, "no, it wasn't. I mean, there's a lot of participants who were better than me" 

He shrugged, "well,it's not everyday you could see a girl singing and rapping while playing the guitar, right?" He said before titling his head to the side, "come on, just make yourself comfortable"

Then the newbies introduces themselves one by one, and we do a vocal stretching. Time passes by so fast that I didn't even realize that it's almost dusk. When we're done, I was gathering the music sheets and suddenly Jeno came up to me. 

"here let me help you" he said, I can only smile in response. 

I can hear some of the girls talking about me. 

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