nine: tutor

411 31 16

Soundtrack: 'outro: Ego' by BTS



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"Seriously, do you ever leave this place?"

The blonde kid jumped in surprise, almost fell of his chair when I popped out of nowhere and now leaning on the bookshelf near the study lounge. 

"Jesus, Lia-" He turn to his right and left, "how the hell did you know I was here?" he furrowed his eyebrows. 

I shrugged, "where else would you be, Jigoo" well, it's sort of easy when Park Jihoon disappears from class or cafeteria, you can easily find him in the library, just being the nerd he always is. 

He snorted, "that's true." and basically giving me those 'I have too much work to do'  face. 

But yes, being me, who always keep bugging him ever since camp days, would just ignored that and casually took a seat beside him while slamming my books on his desk. He glanced a little at the title of the book and the notes that I scribbles a while ago. He probably knows by now what my intentions of being here. 

He taps his pen on his chin, "hmm... I wonder what this might be..." yes typical Jihoon, always trying to be sarcastic when he's in serious mode. 

"I kind of in need of your brain right now" I put on my award-winning puppy eyes, "juseyooo~"

He turn to me and sigh, the corner of his lip lifted upward and he lean in, "No." he said then turning back to his papers.

I frown and playfully punch him in the shoulder, "ow! That really hurts" he whined a little. 

"stop playing hard to get, Jigoo" I roll my eyes. Everyone knows how he can't resist me, he just trying to act all cool. 

"why don't you ask Yeji? she's better at math than me" he said, but he flips the book nontheless.

"she's busy practicing for a tournament next month" I frown a little, "besides, Yeji is Danny's private tutor when he had troubles with math. While you, Mr. Park Jihoon, are my private tutor" 

He roll his eyes, " I don't recall calling you my student"

"well, you're the only one who can handle my whinings when we study together" it's true though. I'm so childish when it comes to study, but Jihoon is the only one who can handle my childish side. 

I smiles, trying to give him another one of my award-winning puppy eyes, "so, will you teach me, Jigoo-ssaem?" that might just be his new nickname. 

He let out a deep sigh which means that he just give in, "I'm warning you though. Math isn't my speciality" I clap in delight and scooted closer while he started solving the first question and teaches me throughout the day. 

It's almost an hour and I haven't even whined the slightest bit. wow, that's a record. Usually I got stressed out because of math. But I guess my tutor right here was just being the perfect tutor there is. 

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