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"Alright class, take your seats"
Huh? That's weird.
I turn my head to see the empty seat beside me. Usually, she would already be in class before Mr. Kim shows up. Is she late or something?
"Julia Choi?" Mr. Kim calls her out, When he didn't get a reply, he take a quick glance to the empty seat beside me, "oh? she's not here?" and the whole class just went dead silent.
Some even turn their head to me, maybe it's because some people have seen us talking a lot. Unfortunately I don't even know where she is. Is she sick? she seems pretty fine to me yesterday. Then... did something happened?
When it's reccess, I got up from my seat and headed to the other class to find Yeonjun. He'll know what might happen to his sister right?
"Yo, Choi Soobin!" I turn my head to find Lee Jeno, say 'one of my nemesis', walking up to me.
"Jeno" I blinked, "what's up?"
Jeno glanced inside the class, as if he was searching for someone, "where's Julia-ssi?"
"she didn't come to school today" I scratch my head, why was Jeno looking for her?, "why do you ask?"
He sighs a little before giving me a paper, the newly-approved chorale members. Right then, I saw her name at the top of the list.
"She made the cut" He answers, "Fany-Ssaem even wants her to be one of the main vocals"
I nods, "that's great. I'll let her know"
I was just about to stepped out of the classroom before he opens his goddamn mouth again, "how's the band going?"
"it's going pretty good. We're working on new stuff"
I can see him smirking and shrugs, "heh, seems like it was only yesterday when the two of us were fighting over who'd be the lead vocal in Tiffany-ssaem's chorale"
"then I got the position" I smirk, remembering how good that felt. I'm kind of competitive when it comes to music, "ah, yes, good times" I sarcastically said. I also was in the chorale, with Jeno, but then I quit to form TXT.
He rolls his eyes, "but well, look at you now. All big and famous. Just don't get that superstar ego, though" Jeno was never one to ask about how I was doing in my band, what the hell is he trying to say?
I shrugs, "I was born with that ego"
He pats me on the shoulder, "Good thing you know that, Buddy" buddy? come again?, "say... why is Julia-ssi absent today?"
oh, so this is what it's about, "I don't kow either"
He blinked and furrowed his eyebrows, "oh? aren't you guys pretty tight?" He might've seen that during the chorale auditions, Lia didn't know anyone besides me on that day.