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Carrie had fallen into the pool with a splash

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Carrie had fallen into the pool with a splash. All she could feel was frustration as she resurfaced before swimming over to Stiles. Carrie wrapped her arms underneath Derek's trying to keep him afloat. The thing glared at her as she tread the water before slinking away. Its claws were clacking on the tile.

Water's bad.

Carrie turned her head back to the boys who looked at her incredulously. "What was that?" She questioned the two. Stiles just shrugged while Derek's eyes narrowed.

"I have an inkling." The stubborn man mused quietly causing the two teens holding him up to look back at each other, Carrie holding in her eye roll better than Stiles.

"Care to tune us in on it?" Stiles asked the man who didn't bother answering. Stiles let out a huffy breath before turning to me. "Were you talking to that thing?" Carrie nodded slightly, her eyebrows threading together.

"It was weird." She shook her head as if to get the memory of it out of her head. "It was-"

"What, Carrie?" Derek snapped.

"It was like it had two voices, one echoing the other in its head." Stiles' brows furled as the gears in his head turned, wondering exactly what everything had meant. The telltale sound of its claws on the floor caught her attention as she gazed up at it and it looked back at her too. "What happened to you?" She asked Derek, her gaze focused on its razor-sharp claws and the substance coming from them.

"Paralyzed from the neck down." The man huffed out, anger seeping his bones.

She's perfect.

Carrie shivered feeling cold make its way up her spine causing the two to turn to her curiously. She just shook her head deciding to decipher it herself.


"What did it say to you?" Stiles asked, seemingly out of breath from carrying Derek's weight along with his own. Carrie gave as good of a shrugged as she could while Derek grunted.

"Something about me, water being bad, and for it to not kill." Stiles snorted in disbelief while Derek looked extremely confused.

"Of course the weird creature is- nevermind, we have to get out of here," Stiles said looking around for the beast seeing it had disappeared.

"Derek's paralyzed, idiot." Carrie hissed out at him, watching him nod. Stiles's head dipped below the surface for a second before Carrie settled more of Derek's weight on her shoulder. He resurfaced and heaved out a breath. Carrie's muscles were beginning to burn and she tightened her grip on the alpha.

"I don't think I can do this for much longer." He let out in a rasp, eyes going over to his phone on the edge of the pool. Carrie shook her head.

"No, no. No! No!" Derek rushed out noticing where Stiles' eyes were. "Don't even think about it." His head went under for a second before Stiles and I corrected it.

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