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Kim💗: guys guys guys

Erin💫: what's up babe?

Jay🙄: yes kim?

Kim💗: I'm eating s o u p

Erin💫: where are you?

Kim💗: with Hailey, eating s o u p

Jay🙄: I thought you outlawed soup.

Kim💗: no I outlawed soup around you.

Hailey🤪: jay you made her DROP her soup?!

Jay🙄: I was waiting for that. I didn't know she had soup!!

Voight🔪: why does the soup incident get brought up so often

Kim💗: because I'll never be over it 😤

Voight🔪: fair enough, carry on.

Erin💫: since when do you and Hailey hang out?

Kim💗: since today? idk we were hungry and we had to go question a suspect literally right before our lunch break 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hailey🤪: ^

Jay🙄: oh my god- Erin Lindsay you're jealous

Erin💫: no I'm not.

Kim💗: you areee. Babe you have nothing to worry about.

Erin💫: Ok.

20 minutes later

Private chat between Kev🥵, Hailey🤪, Jay🙄, and Adam🤡

Jay🙄: yo Hailey what's going on?

Hailey🤪: they're in the middle of something

Kev🥵: like making out?

Hailey🤪: at this point? I wish.

Adam🤡: yikes

Hailey🤪: I just wanted some food :/

Kev🥵: how far away are you?

Hailey🤪: too far to walk and I already tried to get jay to come get me but Kim told me she needs a witness ?

Adam🤡: they're not gonna kill each other are they?

Hailey🤪: they're on the phone- can you guys not hear Erin yelling? Because I can.

Adam🤡: no she left that's why we thought this was in person.

Hailey🤪: this is not how my day was supposed to go.

Kev🥵: will they be okay?

Jay🙄: of course they'll be okay, it's Kim and Erin.

Hailey🤪: they were made for each other. I haven't been on this team for long, but I know soulmates when I see them.

Adam🤡: okay, but we all know Erin shouldn't have gotten upset..right?

Jay🙄: yes Adam, we're aware of that.

Hailey🤪: trust me, I'm hearing all about it. I think they'll be fine. All couples fight and I may know what's wrong with Erin.

Jay🙄: gotcha

Kev🥵: ^

Adam🤡: what? What's wrong with her?

Hailey🤪: one of you explain it to him, that's above my pay grade.

Jay🙄: Ugh fine.
Oooo dramaaaaa- actually though I got bored and I figured it wouldn't hurt anything. also soup may not be brought up for a second. :///

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