666 13 13

Kim💗: JAY

Jay🙄: yes?

Hailey💍: where the hell are you?

Jay🙄: um well

Kim💗: i stg if you say you're not coming-

Jay🙄: I'm sorry!

Hailey💍: Jay wtf dude.

Voight🔪: what in the world is happening.

Kim💗: game nights ruined and it's all Jays fault.

Adam🤡: what game night?

Jay🙄: well there's game night with the whole team which is once a month.

Vanessa🤕: yeah...

Hailey💍: we have our own game night every Friday night- other than the team game night- night.

Kim💗: And Jay is ditching us this week 🔪

Jay🙄: we can do it tomorrow night!

Kev🥵: hold up- why do you have your own game nights and why am I not invited?

Kim💗: um well- we're what one might call the golden trio.

Vanessa🤕: of what?

Hailey💍: intelligence.

Voight🔪: makes sense to me.

Kim💗: yes jay I know we can do it tomorrow and we probably will but that doesn't make me any less upset rn. You promised.

Jay🙄: I'm sorry Kim- l'll make it up to you I promise.

Kim💗: Fine, but this better not happen again.

Hailey💍: awe look at you two getting along :)

Hailey💍: ow she punched me

Kim💗: what're you talking abt babe?

Hailey💍: you're an asshole

Kim💗: and?


Kim💗: and?

Vanessa🤕: you told voight he could put a desk in the closest for me because I'm so small.

Kim💗: you're gonna look at me and you're gonna tell me that I'm wrong?!

Voight🔪: I won't lie- I considered it, but then I decided I probably shouldn't.

Kim💗: see you're safe..for now

Vanessa🤕: it's been months- why are you still tryna get rid of me??

Kim💗: I need a pass time.

Hailey💍: idk why you haven't just come to terms with it.

Vanessa🤕: exactly!!

Hailey💍: ....I was talking to you.

Vanessa🤕: oh

Kev🥵: 👀👀
idk what this is but Buptons back and Kim still hates Vanessa so

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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