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Kim🤰🏻: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Voight🔪: What?

Erin💫: we found out the gender of the baby today and she's having a little trouble keeping it contained.

Hailey🤪: makes sense. when are you gonna tell us?

Erin💫: uhhhh hold on.

Kim🤰🏻: each of you guess! whoever's right gets ice cream :)

Erin💫: you just want ice cream.

Kim🤰🏻: that I do.

Hailey🤪: girl!

Adam🤡: it's a boy.

Voight🔪: boy!

Jay🙄: girl girl girl

Kev🥵: uhhh boy

Alvin🐿: it's definitely a girl.

Platt😐: it's a boy!

Kim🤰🏻: we're having a...

Erin💫: it's a girl!

Hailey🤪: yessss!

Alvin🐿: ice cream!

Jay🙄: yay I was right!

Kim🤰🏻: yay ice cream!

Erin💫: I'm buying aren't I?

Kim🤰🏻: would you? 🥺

Erin💫: fineee. but only because the puppy dog eyes are real.

Kim🤰🏻: anywho I never told my family I was pregnant, so I just put them all in a gc, sent a picture of us the announcement of it, and then left 😌

Hailey🤪: arent you guys having dinner with them on Thursday?

Erin💫: yes. yes we are.

Voight🔪: Yeah I wish you much luck with that.

Kim🤰🏻: you're still going.

Voight🔪: Dammit.

Erin💫: nice try though.
Me too Kim, me too.

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