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Kim💗: today was a successful day

Hailey💍: that it was.

Jay🙄: Where are you guys, you were supposed to be at Molly's half an hour ago

Kim💗: oh yeah we decided to just spend the evening at home. sorry 😬

Hailey💍: a crowded bar did not seem like the move tonight.

Kim💗: however movies and cuddling did

Adam🤡: okay we get it.

Vanessa🤕: platts doing karaoke

Kim💗: been there

Hailey💍: done that

Kim💗: Kevin got kidnapped

Kev🥵: it's true 😤

Kim💗: hes lucky to be alive

Kev🥵: that's also true

Vanness🤕: alright then never mind

Kim💗: I got abducted once

Hailey💍: I got abducted with her.

Adam🤡: that was the day I found out they're dating

Kim💗: this isn't about you Adam.

Adam🤡: nothing ever is.

Vanessa🤕: so much stuff happened before I joined this team what the heck-

Kim💗: there was that time that voight promoted Kevin instead of me

Voight🔪: lets not talk about that

Kim💗: and then I didn't get promoted for another two years.

Voight🔪: and yet you were always up in intelligence anyway

Kim💗: e x a c t l y

Hailey💍: yikes

Vanessa🤕: holy cow
I posted a One Chicago Roleplay is anyone wants to go check it outtt id really appreciate it- I got lots of Bupton rp ideas 🥺🥺

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