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Kim's pov
"Hopefully this goes better than the engagement dinner." I say as we get out of the car. "Why couldn't I have just brought my own car?" Voight asks and Erin rolls her eyes. "We've been over this. For a quick get away." I say as we walk up the front path. "No, because it's a 45 minute drive from Chicago to St. Charles and it just made more sense to take one car."  Erin says and I pout as I knock on the door. It takes a few moments, but my mom eventually opens it. "Come in, come in. Voight, it's nice to see you again." My mom says as we walk in, taking off our coats and boots. Nicole arrives shortly after with Zoe, and dinner soon starts. "So Kim, in what world did you think putting us all in a groupchat, sending a photo of the gender announcement, and then leaving would be a good idea to tell us that you're not only pregnant, but also having a girl?" My dad asks and I bite my cheek. "I thought it was funny, and I figured this can't go any worse than our engagement dinner." I say, shrugging a little. "And Voight knew?" My mom asks and I nod. "I had to tell him, he's my boss." I say and they give me a look. "If it helps, they told me basically the same way they told you." Voight says. "Shouldn't you guys be happy? Aunt Kim and Erin are having a baby!" Zoe says and everyone looks at her. "Exactly. I don't see why how we told you is a big deal, it'll be a good story to tell her somewhere down the road." Erin says and I nod in agreement. "You're I'm desk duty?" Nicole asks and I roll my eyes. "As if these two would even consider letting me out into the field." I say and she nods. Who knew the twelve year old would be the one to save the night.
Whatttt? An actual chapter? Yeah we'll be back to texts next chapter I just thought this would be fun :).

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