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Voight🔪: can't we go ONE day without you trying to kill someone??

Kim💗: he's an asshole. jay I know you're reading this, and I will find you.

Voight🔪: i give up.

Hailey💍: woah woah what'd he do.

Kim💗: i was sitting there, minding my own business when he came up behind me and scared the shit outta me.

Kev🥵: and?


Adam🤡: soup?

Kim💗: SOUP

Jay🙄: I asked Vanessa if you were eating soup and she told me NO

Vanessa🤕: I didn't even look.

Jay🙄: if you're gonna kill me, kill her too.

Vanessa🤕: whats the deal with soup anyway?

Voight🔪: you just had to ask didn't you

Kim💗: a couple years ago, I was walking back up the stairs with my soup and jay jumped out and scared me, making me drop it. I've been angry every since. Now I'm twice as angry. You'll have to come out of hiding eventually jay, and when you do. I'll be waiting for you.

Platt😐: that's why nothing I say or do affects you.

Kim💗: you should know that the things I could say in return are just as bad, but I really like my job.

Platt😐: good to know

Hailey💍: I hope no one ever tries to rob us, bc I can guarantee it won't end well on their end.

Kim💗: 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Hailey💍: well I trust you with my life more than anyone

Jay🙄: hey!

Hailey💍: you're literally hiding from her right now

Jay🙄: ..yeah that's fair.

Hailey💍: yeah, I know.
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