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Kim💗 changed Hailey😍 to Hailey💍

Kim💗: and now we wait.

Hailey💍: I love you 😂

The next morning

Jay🙄: are you serious?!

Adam🤡: is this a joke?!

Vanessa🤔: congratulations! 🍾🎉

Kev🥵: do we get to be bridesmen?!

Voight🔪: can I officiate the wedding?

Jay🙄: seriously ?

Voight🔪: yeah. you gotta problem with that?

Jay🙄: no sir.

Voight🔪: good.

Kim💗: okay we literally JUST got engaged chill with the wedding questions.

Hailey💍: ^

Jay🙄: we're excited!!

Kim💗: so are we

Hailey💍: but there's plenty of time for questions and planning

Adam🤡: was that planned?

Hailey💍: was what planned?

Adam🤡: never mind

Hailey💍: okay...weirdo

Kim💗: anyway, Herrmann is gonna clear Molly's for us to celebrate tomorrow night after work and you're all invited.

Jay🙄: so I'm guessing my bRoThEr will be there

Kim💗: well we already invited med and fire so more than likely yes

Voight🔪: you invited them before you invited us?

Kim💗: they stopped talking long enough for us to do so.

Hailey💍: and considering that we had to talk to herrmann in order to have the party..

Jay🙄: still

Kim💗: 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
try and tell me this isn't cute, I won't believe you.

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