02 | Sophie

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Sophie and Keefe sat on a plush, velvet couch inside their living room. The expansive room was full of furnature, all in varying shades of blue. On one wall, windows stretched across, letting the sun shine in. Along with that, there was a sparkling chandelier dangling from the ceiling, the crystals shimmering with sun rays.

Hanging on the wall were two framed paintings—one of her and Keefe under Calla's panakes tree, and the other of them with Ace and Ember.

The living room was Sophie's favorite room in their house just because she could stare at her husband's beautiful artistry. He truly had a talent.

Keefe had one arm wrapped around Sophie, and her head rested on his shoulder.

"So," her husband said, "Where's all the Foster worry coming from?"

Sophie sighed, staring at the flickering flames in the fireplace. With Keefe being an empath, she really couldn't hide anything from him. "I'm worried about Ember," she told him quietly.

"Why?" He asked gently, tipping her head up and looking into her deep brown eyes.

Sophie let out a held breath. "Well, she hasn't manifested yet . . ."

". . . and she's almost out of manifesting range," Keefe finished for her.

Sophie nodded. She found it strange that her daughter hadn't gotten an ability yet. Having 5 abilities herself, Sophie was nearly certain that both her children would get at least one. But so far, Ace had gotten two, and Ember none.

"Well," her husband said softly, taking her hand in his, "we'll still love her even if she doesn't manifest."

"Of course," Sophie agreed. "But I'm scared about how she'll take it. She a worrier, after all."

"Yeah," Keefe said with a chuckle, "Takes after her mother."

Which, unfortunately, was true.

"At least Ace is doing well," Sophie said, smoothing a wrinkle in her lacy gown.

"Uh huh," Keefe murmured.

Sophie looked up at her husband, who was staring at her. "Keefe? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he assured her. "You just look beautiful."

Sophie's cheeks tinted pink. Even after being married to him for 17 years, Keefe still managed to make her blush.

"Thank you," she said, resting her forehead against her husband's.

He pulled her in for a kiss, his breath soft against her cheeks, tickling her skin. She locked her lips against his, Keefe's mellow skin delicately brushing her's as he cradled her face in his hands.

"I really hope they pass," Sophie murmured.

"They will," Keefe promised. "Ace will ace it."

Sophie laughed with a slight shake of her head. "Did you just come up with that?"

Keefe smirked. "Yep."

She grinned. "You're such a weirdo."

"But that's why you love me!"

Sophie couldn't argue with that.

Instead she kissed him again with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, her fingers gingerly brushing his golden hair. "That's not the only reason."

He smiled. "Oh, really? Is it my stunning good looks?"

Sophie elbowed him. "It's because you're Keefe," she breathed, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. "That's why I love you."

Keefe's eyes twinkled. She laid her head on his shoulder and he kissed her forehead. "Everything's going to be okay," he whispered into her ear. "You know that, right?"

Sophie's eyes crinkled around the corners as her emotions turned peaceful. "Yes," she whispered back, "I do."

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