13 | Emerson

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Emerson took off through the brush, avoiding the prickly thorns from endearing bushes nearby. He dodged pine trees and hopped over rocks, running full speed out of the forestry.

He had his eyes set on a speckled yellow tree in the distance, so far ahead it was barely visible.

If he could reach it without getting caught, he, Daisy, and Avaline would win the game.

He channeled his energy into his legs, running faster than he'd ever run in his life. His heart was pounding harder than the few times Clove had appeared inside his locker at Foxfire. Vanishers.

Avaline peeked out from a bush and took off towards the tree, just a few feet scarce of Emerson. He wasn't sure where Daisy was at, but he hoped she hadn't been caught.

Clove, Ace, and Ember were the opposing team, and Emerson felt like it was a losing battle to challenge the three of them.

He wasn't particularly scared of Clove—she was his sister after all—but Ace and Ember were a different story. Ace was athletic and confident, and he rarely lost base quest. Ember wasn't necessarily scary, but she always had a way of distracting Emerson. She didn't even try to attract attention to herself—if anything, she tried to do the opposite—but it was hard to keep his eyes off her when she was so pretty.

He could only hope that he, Avaline, or Daisy could reach the base without being caught.

Neither of the twins or Clove were in sight, which meant they were up to something.

If they tried to ambush them . . .

Emerson glanced at Avaline.

She was running up a nearby hill, sprinting full force. As she reached the crest of the hill, she suddenly let out a blood curdling scream.

Ember had popped out from behind a towering aspen tree, lunging to tag Avaline.

Terror painted across her face, Avaline madly leaped to the left, trying to avoid losing at all costs.

It worked for Avaline, but not so much for Ember . . .

She'd obviously underestimated her strength, tripping on the long grass as she narrowly missed Avaline. She tumbled down the hill in a heap, her hands flying as she grappled for something to stop her shaky descent. She rolled down the tall knoll, her body twisting into painful-looking contortions.

Emerson had to pinch himself to make sure he was seeing right. Once he was absolutely sure he wasn't dreaming, he dashed toward the hill.

Daisy, Ace, and Clove appeared from three different directions, all running full speed toward Ember.

Once Emerson had reached Ember, who now lay at the base of the hill, Avaline was by her side, terror apparent in her silvery eyes.

Ember's eyes were lolled back in her head, her face was scrunched in pain.

It hurt Emerson to look at.

Avaline's silver tipped hair fell onto Ember's limp body as she bent down to feel her friend's heartbeat. She checked her pulse and gasped. "She's not breathing!" She screamed frantically.

"What!" Ace yelled hysterically as he reached them, Clove and Daisy on his heels. He dropped to his sister's side and gently shook her. "Ember! Wake up!"

"What do we do?" Clove yelled, and Emerson realized they were all looking at him.

He gulped.

He was the oldest, nearing his seventeenth year. They were depending on him to save Ember.

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