23 | Sophie

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Sophie was aware that it was well past midnight and she should be asleep, but she couldn't quite drag herself into bed.

She was curled into a ball on the couch, wearing a soft nightgown of silk. It was long enough to hit her ankles, cream colored and simple with white trim on the hem.

A deep voice started her. "Mom?"

She looked back wearily to see Ace, who was leaning over the couch and staring at her in concern. His brown eyes were so vibrant, much prettier than Sophie imagined hers were.

She pulled herself into a seated position and tried to smile for her son's sake, but it was small and weak.

Ace sat down beside her. "You have a headache, don't you?"

Ace was just too smart for his own good.

Sophie rubbed her temples, dropping the act. "You know me too well, dear."

Ace took her hand and sent a slow, fleeting breeze through her brain. It was dim in color and feeble in wind, but it still cleared away some of the tension.

He grinned. "Did that help at all? Dad's been teaching me."

Sophie's eyes crinkled. "It did, Ace. Thank you."

And while the breeze wasn't nearly as comforting as Keefe's, she was touched by the notion.

Ace smiled. "You should go to bed. You look exhausted."

Sophie started to argue, but she heard a door creak open behind her.

Ace immediately stood and walked over to Keefe, who stood in the doorway.

"Dad," Ace complained, "I can't get mom to go to bed."

Keefe smirked as he ruffled Ace's hair. "I'll take care of her, son."

"Good luck," Ace muttered as he stomped up the stairs. He stopped at the top balcony for half a beat before he disappeared into his room, softly shutting the door behind him.

Sophie felt Keefe sit on the couch beside her, but she didn't have the strength to lift her head.

She felt completely drained after the long day, like her tendons and bones had just decided to give out. Her shoulders were sore from the accumulated tension of all that had happened, leaving her posture slumped.

After a moment Keefe tipped her head up to look at him. "Sweetheart," he whispered into her ear, "you need to sleep."

Sophie shook her head stubbornly, curling her legs into her chest. "I'm not tired."

"You do realize I can feel your exhaustion, right?"

Sophie sighed, rubbing her temples.

If her mind exploded from all the impending stress, Sophie wouldn't have been surprised.

Keefe suddenly sat up and plucked something from the clear glass table in front of them. "What's this?"

Sophie's gaze flipped up, looking at the small metallic square Keefe held. "My old iPod," she murmured, watching Keefe study the edges of the small device.

"It plays . . . music?"

Sophie nodded weakly. "Dex fixed it for a midterm gift when we were level twos, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," Keefe murmured, flipping the screen over.

He powered it on and swiped his hand along the glossy screen, looking like he had absolutely no idea what he was doing.

After a minute of clicking randomly, Keefe finally figured it out and a soft melody of instruments flooded the room.

Sophie gasped.

She hadn't heard music in so long it felt completely foreign to her, but not in a bad way.

It felt . . . freeing.

"Foster?" Keefe whispered.


Keefe almost looked nervous as he asked, "Will you dance with me?"

Sophie laughed slightly. "Do you know how to dance, Keefe?"

He smirked. "Sorta."

Sophie stood feebly and took his hand, her lips twisting into a smile. "I'd love to."

She rested her hand on his shoulder and he placed his on her waist. With her other hand she laced her fingers through his, letting the soft music relax the built up tension in her muscles.

She let Keefe lead her through a dance, twirling her around and dipping her gracefully. She lost her footing constantly, tripping on the glossy floor beneath their feet, but he never let her fall. He caught her each time she stumbled, and by some miracle, didn't laugh at her.

She leaned her head into the crook of his neck as they swayed to the gentle beat of the melody. He supported the small of her back, securing her in his arms. She felt safe in his embrace, like she was enfolded in a cocoon of love and comfort.

His soft hair brushed against her skin, making fireworks explode inside her bones. She could nearly sense the sparks sizzling deep within her veins, igniting her blood.

It was intense.

But amazing.

In that moment, all Sophie could feel was peace. Everything was so calm and perfect, giving her a sense of hope for the future that buried itself firmly inside her heart.

But as she lifted her head she suddenly felt woozy and faint. Everything blurred and spun around her as her head started to pound, triggering another headache. Sophie pressed her temples and saw stars in her distorted vision as she collapsed.

But she didn't hit the floor.

Keefe scooped her up in his arms, holding her lovingly and protectively. He cradled her in his warm embrace, rocking her gently until her head had cleared enough for her to see.

Sophie wrapped her arms around his neck with what little strength she still possessed, leaning her head against his chest. She let the smooth, almost melodic beats of his heart calm her ragged breathing to a slow, even pace. She lay limply in his arms, eyelids drooping.

"I told you you were exhausted," he whispered into her ear.

Sophie didn't have the strength to make any further movements. She could only cling to her husband and close her eyes tightly.

Keefe carried her into their expansive bedroom and pulled back the covers of the bed. His strong arms placed her fragile body gently onto the fluffy mattress. He pulled the soft white sheets over her, tucking her in safely.

As he kissed her on the cheek he secured Ella in her arms.

"I love you, darling," he whispered.

Sophie was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

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