11 | Ace

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The second the twins arrived at Everglen, both of them gasped.

They stared at an immense golden gate that was so bright it seemed to soak up the sun rays and channel them outward. It towered above them and stretched for as far as they could see, blinding them with a sheen of buttery yellow sunlight.

Two figures were standing on the other side, a man and a women. From Ace's disoriented vision, he could tell they both had brown hair, and wore ornate clothing.

After the couple had opened the gates, Ace could see them more clearly.

The man was tall, with dark hair and striking teal eyes, the exact color of Emerson's.

His wife was beautiful, with chocolate brown hair and heart shaped lips that were glossed in the same shade as her pale pink gown. Except for her cobalt blue eyes, Della looked just like her daughter, Lady Biana. They had the same playful glint in their eyes and gentle features.

"Hi," Ember said shyly beside him, giving a small wave at Alden and Della.

Della rushed forward and immediately gave them hugs, surprising Ace. "You must be Ember!" She said to Ace's sister as she hugged her. "And you must be Ace!" She squealed as she embraced him as well.

"So, um . . . You're Biana and Fitz's parents?" Ember asked, fidgeting with the sash of her tunic as she stared nervously at the couple.

"That's us," Alden affirmed. "It's so nice to meet you."

Della smiled at them. "You look so much like your mother, Ember."

Alden grinned. "Yes, she does. And Ace looks like Keefe, doesn't he?"

"Yes," Della agreed. "Except his eyes. That's definitely from Sophie."

Ember and Ace nodded politely, watching the couple scrutinize them like science experiments. Ace glimpsed Ember reaching up and tugging out an eyelash. Ember and his mom did that all the time when they were worried, and it made Ace cringe every time he saw it.

How could they stand ripping out their lashes?

Just then, Clove came running up behind Alden and Della, completely out of breath. "Grandma! Grandpa! Emerson is cheating!" She yelled.

She was completely out of breath, leaning forward to catch her breath and nearly falling over in the process. Her dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail with wisps falling out of the updo. One of her tall brown boots was unlaced, and the other was smeared with mud and tinged with grass stains.

Della hooked an arm through her granddaughter's, steadying her so she wouldn't pass out.

Emerson came running up behind them, also completely out of breath, but much less red faced than his sister. He came to a stop and rested his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths.

"No I didn't!" He retorted after he'd caught his breath, crossing his arms.

"Yes you did!" Clove yelled, bending over to retire her boot's laces. "I told you no special abilities!" She ripped a small metal square from the bottom of her shoe and threw it into the rich green grass. "You made a tracking device."

"So?" Emerson said with a smug grin as a a petite figure approached in the distance.

As she came into focus, Ace realized it was Daisy. She looked less like herself with her clothing covered in grime and twigs sticking out of her blond hair.

Daisy gave Emerson a high five. "We won!"

"But you cheated!" Clove complained, looking to Alden and Della for help.

The couple just laughed. "We'll let you guys figure it out."

Clove and Emerson's grandparents strolled towards the expansive crystal palace in the distance, leaving the teenagers alone.

Emerson approached the twins, first giving Ace a hug, then Ember, his arms lingering around her for much longer. Ace didn't miss it when Emerson whispered, "You look pretty, Em," into her ear.

Ace rolled his eyes.

He was aware that Emerson had a crush on his sister, that much was apparent from his intense emotions. Ember's feelings were much harder to discern, but Ace was pretty sure she liked him back.

Ace glanced at Daisy and Clove. Daisy smirked and slightly shook her head, covering a laugh with her hand. Clove's eyes twinkled in amusement as she watched the two of them hug.

They weren't empaths, and even they had figured it out. So why couldn't Ember?

Or Emerson for that matter.

Sometimes it was infuriating to watch.

Suddenly Avaline appeared from behind a massive pine tree, collapsing on the grass in a huff.

Seeing his friend down, Ace dropped to his knees. "You all right, Ava?"

She sat up and laughed, playfully splashing Ace with water. "Yep."

Avaline stood and walked over to Clove, brushing her silver tipped hair from her eyes. "Sorry we lost, Clo."

Clove shrugged. "It's okay." She walked over to the twins, giving Ace a big hug before she shoved Emerson away from Ember so she could hug her. Her brother shot her a dirty look.

Clove gave him a wicked grin. "This time, I call Ace for my team!"

Ace smirked. It was going to be a long day.

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