25 | Ember

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Nova didn't sit with them at lunch.

Ember hadn't really expected her to, but her heart still fell a little when she saw Nova sitting clear on the other side of the cafeteria. She wasn't alone; she sat with nearly a dozen girls who all wore far to much makeup, plus a couple boys who were shamelessly flirting with them.

But when Nova caught Ember's eye her lips turned upward. It was a small smile by any standards, barely perceptible, but it still made Ember happy. She smiled back, her face lighting up .

"You're happy."

Ace's voice startled her as he plopped into the seat across from her, propping his elbows  very uncivilizedly on the table. He dramatically sighed, like the day had already worn him to fraying point.

"Yeah," Emerson agreed, taking the seat beside her. "Why are you smiling?"

She gave him a strange look. "Can I not just be happy because I want to?"

"No," Ace and Emerson chorused.

Ember sighed. "Why?"

Ace laughed like it was the most hysterical thing in the world. "You're never happy, Em. Like, never."

"That's not true!"

Emerson shot her an amused look. "You're a terrible liar."

Ember shot them both glares as she picked at the food in front of her. It was mushy and colorful, as always, but still smelled amazing. She'd only managed one small bite before Clove appeared in the seat beside her, making her let out a high squeal.

Emerson laughed at her. "That was adorable."

Ember shot him another glare as she shoved a forkful of food into her mouth, trying to hide her flush.

Clove grinned at her. "Scared you, didn't I?"

Ember grumbled under her breath. "You've got to stop doing that, Clove."

Clove pouted. "But it's fun!"

"Yeah," Emerson said with a twisted grin, "For you."

Clove reached around Ember and slapped her brother on the arm. "Mom does it too."

"Well at least she doesn't eavesdrop!"

Clove smirked. "Yeah, she does."

Emerson shook his head. "Vanishers."

Ember almost choked as she took a bite of purple mush. It was so sour it made her eyes tear up and her face turn slightly green.

"Are you dying on me, Blondie?" Ro asked as she appeared from a shadowy corner. "'Cause if I'm being honest—which I am—you're starting to resemble a toad on steroids."

Ember coughed, struggling to take in air. But it didn't stop her from shooting Ro a scowl.

A toad on steroids?

"Now you're crying?" Ace shook his head and grinned at Emerson. "Why do you put up with her?"

Emerson shot him a twisted grin. "She's not that bad."

Ember elbowed him in the ribs, trying madly to regain her composure. "Not that bad?"

"Kidding." He smiled at her, genuinely this time. "You're pretty great."

Ro sat on the edge of their table, making it tip. "You elves are so sappy. I don't know how your precious little minds can handle that much mush."

Ember pushed her tray of food away, having lost her appetite. She tuned out Ro as she started arguing with Ace, rubbing her head. Headaches were so common that by now she was used to the throb that circulated through her brain. But it didn't necessarily make the pain hurt any less . . .

Her mind snapped back into focus as Emerson spoke quietly to her. "Hey, Em?"

"Yeah?" Ember replied, annoyed at her voice for shaking.

"I made you something."

Ember lifted her head as he pulled a small bracelet from his pocket. It was simple, with small chains of silver woven together. It clasped a small gem symmetrically carved into the letter "E."

Jewelry usually repulsed her, but Ember liked this one. It wasn't bright or flashy, just plain and pretty.

Emerson watched her expression. "Do you like it?"

Ember cleared the lump in her throat. "It's beautiful," she whispered.

He smiled, relief transforming his features. "You'll wear it? I know you don't love jewelry—"

"Of course I'll wear it," Ember interrupted.

She held out her arm and let him fasten it snuggly around her wrist. The chain lay smoothly, and despite the curves and edges of the silver, felt soft. The links held together tightly, but were gentle against her skin.

She stared at bracelet for a moment before looking up at him. "Is the E for you or for me?"

A smile crept across his face. "Whichever you want."

Ember grinned, feeling her headache dissipate as her stress levels lessened. "You," she decided.

Ro suddenly gagged. "I can't decide if this is adorable or disgusting."

"Disgusting," Ace and Clove informed her, both looking like they wanted to gouge their eyes out with one of Ro's daggers.

Ember glowered at Ro, something she was getting increasingly good at.

Ro just smirked as she adjusted her sheath of weapons around her waist. "Bet you're happy Flower Girl and Hydro Lassie aren't here."

Ace crossed his arms. "Their names," he corrected Ro, "Are Daisy and Avaline."

"Pfft." Ro let out a dramatic sigh. "Same thing."

"No, they're not!" The four friends shot at Ro.

The burly ogre raised her hands in peace. "It's not like they heard me."

"Actually," a soft voice said, "we did."

Daisy came into view as she lifted the shadows from a near corner and revealed her and Avaline.

As they walked over, Avaline splashed Ro with water, drenching her pink pigtails. "My name is not Hydro Lassie."

Ro sighed, like she'd been expecting that to happen. "Whatever," she snorted.

Daisy plopped down next to Ace and let out a squeal as she stared at Ember and Emerson. "You two are so cute!"

Emerson crossed his arms. "Spying on us, Dais?"

"Nope," she replied with a smirk. "Just observing."

"Right," Ember muttered under her breath as she fidgeted with her new bracelet.

Ember lifted her hand to inspect it. "Is it too tight?"

Ember shook her head, restraining her fingers from playing with it any further. "It's perfect."

Ace and Clove rolled their eyes in sync.

Before Ro could make another embarrassing retort, the bells chimed, signaling the end of lunch.

Ro grabbed Ember by the arm and dragged her to her feet. "Time to go, Blondie. Where to?"

Ember groaned. "Elementalism."

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