A friend wouldn't do that

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I closed my laptop. I expected a weight to be lifted off my shoulders. I was now sharing the weight with other people, knowing they won't be to happy about it. I took a few deep breaths. There is nothing more I can do, I just have to wait for the reactions. The damage is done! I went to the kitchen for a drink. I grabbed a glass and a bottle of my favorite white wine, a Pinot Grigio. I decided to take the bottle with me and sat down outside. I tried to take my mind of off everything, but I couldn't. It doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't silence the voice in your head. Sleeping wasn't working for me, I barely got any and if I did my dreams were haunting me. I tried to rinse my thoughts with alcohol and before I knew it I finished the bottle. I started to feel a little dazed. I just sat outside for hours. Looking over New York City.
"Alex? What are you doing out here?" Jason asked.
I didn't notice him coming in, he was just standing in front of me all of the sudden. I grabbed the now empty bottle of wine and held it up.
"Could you get me another one?" I mumbled.
"I think you had enough." Jason responded.
I was still crying, not even sure what for. Jason sat down next to me.
"Do you want to explain what's going on?" Jason asked.
"I send the article to the Times." I said.
Jason wrapped his armes around me and gave me a hug.
"I know, it's already out." Jason added.
I took a few deep breaths, oh god. It just hit me that the lives of the people working on The Morning Show will completely change all over again, but this time it was because of me. I felt sick, and not just because of the alcohol. I always wanted more power, but never like this!
"Why did you change your mind?" Jason asked.
"I had options." I mumbled.
He gave me a confused look.
"I wrote an article with Mitch, and I got this call from Bradley saying she slept with Cory." I explained.
"Yet you choose to publish the truth, what changed your mind?" Jason replied.
"My life got destroyed, partly behind my back and I was not going to be doing the same thing to Bradley." I tried to explain.
"I knew you would do the right thing." Jason added.
Iwasn't so sure I did the right thing. I destroyed Mitches change at a normal life, and I probably destroyed our last change to make things right. I felt guilty. I accused Fred and Cory for trying to destroy me and my career, and I didn't hold back. I was anxious for their reactions, not just for theirs! What will the media think and what will become off the rest of my career. Did I destroy mine alongside everyone else's, how much longer will this show last?
Jason and I stayed outside for a little longer. We just talked and talked, like we used to do. We actually had a great night together, he made me forget about the rest. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. I closed my eyes and leaned in for a kiss, his lips were soft. It felt weird kissing him. We have been married for about 25 years, but I can't ever remember the last time we kissed. We have been struggling for years, and the struggle wasn't over. I put my hand on his chest, but Jason pulled back.
"Alex, you're drunk. I can't do it like this" Jason said.
I gave him a confused look.
"Why not, we're married." I said.
"I know, but we are kind of crossing a line here." Jason added.
"A line? I don't see a line." I said.
"This is exactly what I mean, I'm not sure what you will think of this in te morning." Jason explained.
"Well that depends on you." I responded.
Jason stood up. "Oh my god, do you hear yourself?"
"Wait, I'm sorry please stay." I said.
"I think is beter if I go, Lizzy is at my place and," Jason explained, and with that he left.
I remained outside for a little longer, I don't really remember what happened after that.

The next morning I woke up with a huge headache, gosh why did I do this to myself? I went to take a shower and some pills, hoping my headache would subside. Once I got dressed I walked over to the kitchen for breakfast when I heard someone banging on my front door. I walked over to there to see what was going on.
"Alex! We must talk, now!" Mitch demanded.
I really, really did not want to see Mitch right now. He was obviously mad at me, and I don't blame him. I just don't think us being in the same room was a good idea.
"It's not a good time." I said.
"It's never a good time with you!" Mitch snapped at me. I probably shouldn't have done it, but I opened the door. I didn't know what to say so I remained silent.
"What the hell did you do? A friend wouldn't do that!" Mitch added.
"I guess you have your answer then, we're not real friends." I said.
Mitch took another step towards me.
"You're right we are not real friends, we are more than that. You keep telling me that I have to face the truth, but so do you!" Mitch snapped.
I took a few deep breaths.
"All stories have two sides, you told yours and now I'll be telling mine." Mitch added. "I honestly can't believe you did this to me!"
"I wish things were different, but they're not. You brought this upon yourself, and I'm truly sorry." I said.
Mitch shook his head.
"You told me I had two sides, but so do you. Make sure to watch the documentary once it's out. I hope you'll be as excited as I was for that stupid article of yours!" Mitch snapped before storming of.

Once Mitch left I felt like I could finally breath again. I felt so incredibly guilty, even after everything he did to me. I wish things could go back to the way they were. In a way I still saw him as a friend. I decided to take a look at the damage. I grabbed my phone and it had blown up. I had tons of messages and missed calls, but ignored all of them. I went straight to safari to see the headlines. "First Fred, now Cory?! Alex Levy finally speaks up. Kesslers career officially over thanks to Levy. What will happen to The Morning Show?" I actually read all of them. I was reading the last article when I got an email from the network.
It said to be urgent so I read it straight away.
"Dear colleagues, a lot has been happening on our show. Yesterday another shot got fired. We are unsure of the future. We want everyone to come down to the studio tomorrow at 10AM. So we can discuss our options, the show must go on!" It said.
Oh god this can't be a good thing!

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