Mitch and Alex

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I went straight to Mitches house. I texted him, I tried to call multiple times. He just wouldn't answer me, and this was my only chance to get a hold of him. I wasn't sure if there was still media at his gates, so I decided to enter the property through the woods like last time. As I approached the house I got super nervous, this conversation would determine the future and not just mine. I took a few deep breaths before opening the back door. It was already open, so I put the spare key back under the mat. His house looked a lot messier than last time. I wondered through his house hoping to find him. I got to his office and stopped there for a little while.
We spent so much time here working on stories together. Gosh I'd love to go back to those days, when my only concern was delivering the news. That's all I ever wanted to do.
"So you're the burglar." Mitch said.
I turned around, to see him standing in the doorway.
"You can't enter my house unannounced." Mitch added.
"I tried to contact you, but you didn't respond." I replied.
"Yeah why do you think!" Mitch snapped.
I took a deep breath, here we go. "Mitch, we need to talk." I said.
He shook his head. "I don't think so, I'm done with you, you made yourself pretty clear last time."
"Oh god, uh.. could you at least hear me out." I asked.
"Fine, but make it quick." Mitch said.
"It's not like you have to be somewhere right?" I responded. "Not helping Alex." Mitch added.
I decided to just go for it, straight to the point.
"I need you to back my story up." I said.
"Why the hell would I be doing that?" Mitch replied.
"I live a strange existence Mitch, this show is all I have. I fought so fucking hard for this, I can't loose know. I just, I don't know what else to do." I explained.
"You say I'm ignorant, but so are you. What I did was wrong, and if I could go back I would! One hundred percent, but I can't. We just have to find a way to live with it. I hurt you, but you hurt me as well. Do you have any idea how it feels if the last person you trust betrays you like this. You really hurt my feelings last time. I'm sorry Alex it's not going to happen, I still have a change at a better live. I won't waist it!" Mitch explained.
My eyes started to water, but I tried to hold the tears back. What was I supposed to do, I felt so incredibly guilty. This was the exact reason why this story should've stayed buried. At first I was the only person dealing with it, and now everyone seems to be dealing with it.
"Mitch I need you! You know how it feels to be put aside like that, do you really wish that upon me? You can't drag me down with you, just because you're angry!" I explained.
"That's exactly what you did, so watch me. The documentary will air tonight" Mitch said before leaving the office. "And get out of my house!"
I remained in his office for a little longer. Trying to process what just happened.

As soon as I left his house I started to break down. The tears came running down my cheeks. This was it, I fought so hard just to end up with nothing. I lost my career and partner of 15 years. I called Chip, but couldn't say a word. I was just crying, and he knew enough. It was over. I wasn't even sure how I got home, but when I did the door was unlocked. I was pretty sure I locked it when I left earlier.
I walked over to the kitchen when I saw my daughter. I couldn't help but cry again. I was emotionally exhausted, and so happy to see her. Maybe we could finally make things right.
"What's going on?" Lizzy asked.
She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I took a deep breath.
"I'm just having a bad day." I said with a shaking voice.
"I came to apologize, I'm so so sorry for what I said about you and Mitch." Lizzy added.
"It's okay, you couldn't have known." I replied.
"I also didn't know about the whole Fred and Cory thing, I feel so stupid about everything I said about you and your job." Lizzy said.
"I'm sorry I yelled and you, especially when we were in your dorm." I added.
"Let's call it even." Lizzy suggested.
I nodded and gave her another hug.
"I'm happy you and dad are giving it another change." Lizzy said.
Jason walked in from the living room. "Me too." Jason said.
Jason wrapped his arm around me. "It's over" I whispered.
Jason gave me a confused look, but I think he knew what I was talking about.
We ended up having dinner together, it felt like such a long time ago. I wanted to enjoy it as much as I could, but in the back of my mind I was worried. I was anxious for Mitch's documentary. Chip told me about some of the content, and it was not pretty. I wasn't sure when it would be out, so I kept checking my phone. It drove me crazy.

After dinner they both went back to Jason's apartment. They had just left when someone knocked on the door. I opened it thinking they might have forgotten something. It wasn't them, it was Mitch.
"The documentary just got out." Mitch said.
I shook my head.
"Did you really have to come all the way to my apartment to tell me that?" I replied.
"Have you seen it?" Mitch asked.
"I don't think I want to see it, but really why are you here?" I said.
"I couldn't do it. My life is already over, I could't be the reason yours ended. I caused you enough pain." Mitch said.
I was a little confused.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, I just needed some time to think. Well that, and Chip payed me a visit." Mitch added.
"What, are you trying to say?" I asked.
"You're going to be president of The Morning Show." Mitch added.
Oh my gosh. I couldn't believe it. I just stood there staring at him. Did he really publish in my favor? After everything?! I gave him a big hug and felt a tear run down my cheek. It felt so familiar being in his arms, like everything would be okay.
"I just, I don't know what to say." I said.
Mitch smiled. "It's okay, your eyes say enough."
"What about you? What did you even say in the documentary?" I asked.
"It's not really a documentary, it's a video of my side of the story. Admitting to what I've done. I don't know what will happen to me either." Mitch explained.
I took a deep breath.
"Listen, I know I can't take back what I've said earlier. To you or to America, I just want you to know that I'll be there for you. I probably won't be able to make up for it but," I said.
"It's okay, you don't need to make up for anything. Look, I know you and Mia won't put charges against me. I'm just not sure about the other woman, or the network. We just have to wait and see." Mitch explained.
"One more thing, I got Fred's job?" I asked.
"Well I suggest it in the video, and the people seemed to like that idea. Fred will be fired because of his silencing, Cory for what he did to you. The network hasn't made a statement yet, but I think you have a solid change." Mitch said.
Mitch ended up staying for a little while, we actually had a great conversation together.

The next things all happened very fast. I got the job, but chose not to give up my seat as a co-anchor. I fought so fucking hard to keep that job. It can be a lot to manage at times, but I think I found a balance. I tried my best to create a save environment on The Morning Show. I made things up with Mia and a few others. I also became closer with Bradley, we might even be friends now. Oh and I rehired Chip as soon as possible.

Jason and I moved back in together, even though I still have to work a lot we made it work. We got Lizzy out of boarding school, so we could spend more time together. She really seams to like it, since we haven't really been a family for years.

You're probably wondering what happened to Fred and Cory. They are facing some changes, but so is Mitch. I can't take back what I've said about him, but I can help the world see that he isn't a monster. Just a man with some bad decisions. Mitch wasn't the only one responsible for the culture, so was Fred. This will still be a long way to go, but despite all this. I think I can finally say that I'm happy with where I am. I saved my career, and my family. Just not my best friend. I still feel incredibly guilty, but I just have to find a way to live with it. The Morning Show will continue, and so will our lives.

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