Taking matters into my own hands

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Cory stood up and left my apartment without saying anything else. My counter was filled with papers. I got so angry that I threw them all on the ground! Oh gosh! I can't let this happen, not while I'm still around. I still have a few days to figure things out. I can't sit there talking about how great boarding schools are, cause they're not! You don't get to see your kid, and when you do.. you know things aren't great either. I took a few deep breaths.
When I managed to calm myself down I went looking for the script on the story. When I finally found it I read it a few times, is there anything I can go on? "Of course there are downsides, but you just have to weigh them up against the pros." I saw right at the end. I can use that! I can start off with saying that boarding schools give your children great opportunities, and all the other crap Cory wants in it. Then I'll end it with saying it isn't as good as it seems. Maybe Bradley and I can turn it into a dialog. I'll let her tell all the 'good' things and I'll just end it with the truth, boarding schools suck! Bradley likes the truth right? I send her a text representing the idea.
My phone lit up, I got a text from Chip. "Are you available right now, I need to talk to you." It said. "Yeah, I'll be right there." I send back.
I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I called my car and went down to the lobby. Even the people I shared a building with for years where staring at me, that's new.
I got in the car and asked my driver to go to Chip's apartment. I went up and rang the doorbell. I felt kind of nervous being here. We didn't exactly leave things on good terms. After a few seconds the door opened. I did not expect him to be here.
"Mitch... What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.
"Chip and I were just talking, so come on in." Mitch said.
I put my coat down and walked over to the living room. Chip stood up and gave me a hug.
"You could've told me he was here you know." I whispered.
"Yeah so you could've stayed home, that's why I didn't tell you." Chip whispered back.
Mitch and Chip both sat down. The coffee table was filled with papers.
"What the hell were you two talking about" I said.
They both looked at each other. Mitch nodded and Chip stood back up.
"Listen Alex. We're both still fired. This is the only way we'll ever work again." Chip explained.
I looked confused. "What is the only way?"
"We are going to make a documentary about the culture at TMS" Mitch added.
"Why? Why would you do that? Haven't you done enough. Besides you two weren't beneficial to the culture there." I replied.
"Like you were innocent." Mitch said.
"I do t care! I don't want any part in this documentary. So if you want to do it, leave me the hell out of it!" I snapped.
"Oh calm down." Mitch said.
Before I could say anything Chip did. "Alex, we care about you. You know that. We asked you to come because we really think this could help you. Listen.. Uh.. Cory might not be able to fire you, but that makes things just worse. He needs you to quit, he will do that by turning America against you. You need to pick a side, you can't walk around pretending you didn't know what was going on."
I sat down on the other couch, facing Mitch.
"Okay, I'll listen." I replied.
"You've been avoiding the media all weekend. Tomorrow you'll be on air again, you can't keep ignoring it. You have to go public sooner or later. So what story do you want to tell the word?" Chip asked.
Chip has a good point.
"So we slept together once or twice, what's the big deal." Mitch said.
I took a few deep breaths, cause it was a big deal.
"Mitch could you just shut up." Chip snapped.
"Mitch you ruined your career, when will you see that?! What you did was wrong, and unless you see that. I don't think anyone can help you." I snapped back at Mitch.
"Why is it so hard for woman to acknowledge the fact that they slept with me, or anyone. Can't it just be because they wanted to, why does it always have to be sexual misconduct or something?" Mitch replied.
I got up and started walking around. "Alex seriously what is the big deal all of the sudden?" Mitch asked.
Is it possible he is actually that ignorant!
"It was not easy sitting next to you! I didn't sleep with you by choice, you forced me mentally. At one point you even forced me physically! Listen you ruined your career and I won't let you ruin mine, more than you already did! So fuck you Mitch!!" I snapped.
"Hey! Can you two just not do that!" Chip yelled.
I saw the apparent disbelieve on Mitch's face before walking towards the door. Chip went after me.
"Listen Alex, I know what he did to you and it was wrong. Trust me I won't do this documentary without him admitting to what he did. Hannah is dead because of him, he can't deny that. Look I know we didn't leave things at good terms, but I'm over it really. My career ended to safe yours, so why would that be any different now?" Chip explained.
I smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you, but I have to go. I need to be in the studio in a couple of hours, and I need to mentally prepare myself to be there." I said.
"Yeah, I heard Marlon is a relatively positive guy." Chip joked.
"Don't even get me started, I threw my drink in his face last time." I said with a smile.
I grabbed my coat and left the apartment.
"Take care Alex." Chip said before closing the door behind me.
It's good to know that he still has my back, even after what I did to him. I trust him for not letting Mitch destroy what's left of my career. Does he honestly think this documentary will get him his life back?

I got back home and before I knew it I had to go back to work. When I got there I went straight to my dressing room. I got dressed and my team did my hair and make-up. I looked at todays script one more time, why bother. I'll just read it off the teleprompter, I haven't learned the lines in years. Marlon got into my dressing room without knocking. "Hey! I'm here to wish you luck, and I hope this show goes better than Friday's show. You know just stick to the script this time, okay?" Marlon said while being a little nervous.
"Okay" I replied.
Marlon smiled and left, what a loser.
Normally I would go to the stage earlier. Now I just waited until the last moment, just to avoid a conversation with anyone. They applied the microphone to my clothes and I sat down beside Bradley.
"Hey, how are you?" Bradley asked.
I was still looking straight forward. "I'm fine."
"I got your text, I think it is a good idea to do the story together. Shall we look at it Wednesday after the show?" Bradley suggested.
I nodded. Here we go again, I'll put my game face back on.
"We're live in 3.. 2.. 1.." Shari said before giving me the signal.
"Good morning America, I'm glad you are spending your morning with us.." I said.
"In todays show we will be paying a tribute to our dear colleague Hannah. We also have an interview with doctor Montgomery on the quarantined cruise-ship..." Bradley continued.
After the show I went straight home. I basically did the same thing on Tuesday. I wanted to do the same on Wednesday, but Bradley and I needed to stay after the show to work on the story. It was not that easy. Bradley wanted it just to focus on the great opportunities, but I managed to get the 'bad' things in as well. I really did not want to do the story! The media calmed down a little, so if I do the story Cory won't feed them new information.

When I got home I went over the story way too many times, I needed to calm down. Don't let it get to your head! When I woke up the next morning the time had come, let's do the story on boarding schools.

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